Entries by Ross Dawson

Study: Global comparisons of news consumption and shifting channels

The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the University of Oxford has just published the very interesting 110 page Digital News Report 2013, which draws on an extensive survey of news consumption across nine major countries. Below are a selection of some of the most interesting data points in the report, focusing on […]

The democratization of creativity: the most important aspect is greater human expression

When I was recently in Stockholm my friend Magnus Linkvist introduced me to Einar Bodström of House of Radon, a young and innovative production company that is exploring the possibilities of online video. Much of the group’s work is commercial, including recent TV ads for Electrolux and Sainsbury’s, and a series of 20 minute videos […]

Carving out the middle: how we must respond to the dangers of the polarization of work

One of the consistent themes in my Future of Work framework is the polarization of work and value. In a number of the keynotes and workshops I’ve run recently, including at the Richmond Financial Services Forum in Interlaken, the Institute of Chartered Accountants conference in Melbourne, and for the executive teams of various corporate clients, […]

The rise of crowdsourcing in Malaysia

I was recently in Kuala Lumpur to do twin keynotes at the National Crowdsourcing Conference organized by Digital Malaysia, and meet with government officials to discuss how Malaysia can best tap the potential of crowdsourcing. The Star of Malaysia, the largest English-language newspaper in the country, interviewed me while I was there for a feature […]

The immense role of national and ethnic diaspora in driving global innovation

For over a decade I have been working with various facets of the idea of Global Innovation Networks: connections around the world that facilitate new endeavors. Innovation always stems from diverse connections between ideas and people. Bringing in different viewpoints from around the world necessarily provides more opportunities for the new. Moreover, in the many […]

How soaring expectations of beauty are shaping technology and society

I recently travelled to Provence in the hills above Nice to give the keynote at the annual EuroCIO conference. I used my framework for the future of the CIO to point to the macro drivers of change in technology and society, and how these are shaping the technology function in organizations, and in turn the […]

Keynote slides: Crowds and the future of creativity and innovation

Earlier this month I gave the opening keynote at Crowdsourcing Week on Connecting the Crowd: The Future of Creativity and Innovation. Here are the slides for my keynote. As always, be aware that my slides are intended as visual support to my presentation, and are not designed to be meaningful on their own. However they […]

How technologies will expand and replace human work

The Australian Financial Review is today running a special feature on the world to 2100, including an article on technology trends titled Connecting to a rising tide of data. The article covers a number of themes, including the expansion of connectivity, data, and devices, and the impact of technology on healthcare, drawing on interviews with […]