Entries by Ross Dawson

Influence research: what are the real influence networks within Twitter and social media?

We continue our Influence research series, paving the way for in-depth insights and breaking new ground on the topic at Future of Influence Summit 2009 in San Francisco and Sydney. See the Future of Influence Summit blog for the full series. Earlier this year Bernardo Huberman and colleagues at HP’s Social Computing Lab did an […]

CMSWire review of Implementing Enterprise 2.0 – A Practical Guide

CMSWire has just published a nice review of my Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Report. Here is an excerpt from the review: Ross Dawson has written a report on Enterprise 2.0 that should be a valuable tool for any organization implementing or thinking about implementing Web 2.0 tools in their enterprise. Called Implementing Enterprise 2.0: A practical […]

Influence research: Duncan Watts and the debate on whether “influentials” really matter

We continue our Influence research series, paving the way for in-depth insights and breaking new ground on the topic at Future of Influence Summit 2009 in San Francisco and Sydney. Duncan Watts is one of a handful of scientists instrumental in developing the study of networks as a key scientific discipline. He tells his story […]

Twitter’s Project Retweet will amplify how influence drives content

Twitter has just announced the first of a series of changes to how retweeting is incorporated into the Twitter platform, called Project Retweet. This is significant in how influencers make content popular, one of the key themes of the upcoming Future of Influence Summit. Retweeting (forwarding someone else’s tweet to all of your followers) has […]