12 most popular posts of the year on the future


It’s almost the end of the year, so I’ll try to do a few compilations of my most popular posts of the year. Today, on the general theme of the future, here are 12 (+1 for next year) that have attracted the most interest…

1. Zeitgeist 2011: anxiety, mobility, blending, indulgence, immersion, wrath, nudity and more

The spirit of the times for 2011

View more presentations from Ross Dawsn

2. The future of business: choosing the industries that will prosper in the decade ahead

Ross Dawson, a futurist and Chairman of Future Exploration Network, advises that it is not important to pick which industries will rise or fall. Canny business people, he believes, will try to preduct what those changes will mean for the way business is conducted. “It does not make much sense to think about rising or shrinking industries,” he says. “It makes sense to think about where value is going.”


3. How do you become a futurist?

Ross Dawson says becoming a futurist is pretty straightforward. “You can claim you are a futurist and people either believe you or they don’t.”


4. Japan’s nuclear crisis could be foreseen – a view from 19 years ago

An article I wrote 19 years ago about the dangers of Japan’s nuclear program.

Japan’s dream, the world’s nightmare


5. Video and notes on the future of the 21st century

Panel discussion at Queensland’s Gallery of Modern Art.


6. The role of a futurist is to help people gain perspective and transcend boundaries

“The most important single aspect of thinking about the future is that the future transcends boundaries. Whatever domain you are considering, be it a company, an industry, or a geographical region, the key issue is how its boundaries will change and what new will come from outside. However limited the scope of your interest, you need to consider almost everything, across society, technology, business, and the evolution of humanity.”


7. Futurist conversation: Ross Dawson and Gerd Leonhard on the future of money

One of the most popular of the series of conversations on the future between Gerd Leonhard and myself.


8. Futurist conversation: Ross Dawson and Gerd Leonhard on the role of a futurist

Comparing views on the role of a futurist


9. Qantas Business Radio: why crowdsourcing will drive the future of organizations

“Organizations that are earlier adopters of these approaches are experiencing real increases in productivity and performance. As we shift to a global distributed workforce, those who are ahead of the curve in tapping the trend can reap massive benefits.


10. Creating the future of local government

“In a defining era for government globally, councils are in the front-line of changes and challenges and are best placed to take the lead in turning these challenges into opportunities. This was the message to Tasmanian councils from leading business futurist, Ross Dawson, in his keynote address to conference delegates.”


11. The future of Chief Marketing Officers and leadership

” CMOs have a very important role to play in building human engagement with customers, and must push that agenda forward if it is not already well under way in the organization. In order to represent the company well externally, their responsibilities include transforming the entire organization, working with their C-level peers.”


12. Sunrise: What to expect in 2012: transformation, social media divide, crowd work


+1! 12 Themes for 2012: what we can expect in the year ahead