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181 search results for: "future of work"


Timeframes for the future of work: trends and uncertainties in this decade and beyond

I recently ran an internal workshop on the future of work for a large company. In the next couple of years it will shift its headquarters into a new building and adopt Activity Based Working across the organization. The key executives understand that in their planning they need to engage with the broader issues of […]


Passion and the future of work

Earlier today I spoke in the keynote session of the Richmond Financial Industry Forum in Interlaken, Switzerland. Three of us – Jean Claude Biver, Chairman of watchmaker Hublot, Zeno Staub, CEO of Bank Vontobel, and myself – gave 10 minute presentations, followed by a panel discussion between us. I spoke on Passion and the Future of […]


Building success in the future of work: T-shaped, Pi-shaped, and Comb-shaped skills

This morning we completed the five-city Tomorrow-Ready CIO event series, run by CIO magazine and sponsored by IBM. My keynote across the five locations was on the Future of the CIO, using a Future of the CIO framework I recently created. I hope to write a number of posts in the next little while on […]


How divergence in labor productivity is shaping the future of work

My recently launched Future of Work framework provides a highly summarized overview of the future of work. Over coming months I will delve into specific aspects of the framework. One of the most important issues is divergence in labor productivity, mentioned as the fourth point under Labor Productivity in the Economic Structure section. Across industries […]