Quick update on Enterprise 2.0


I have unfortunately not been blogging and twittering as much as usual recently, due to being intensely busy leading towards the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum on 24 February in Sydney and the release of our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report. So a quick update on where things stand, and a promise of some more in-depth content coming soon…

Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum is coming together extremely well. We have an extraordinary cast of speakers drawing on deep experience and successful initiatives. A special feature is the ‘mini-workshops’ which allow attendees to draw on the insights of Australia’s leading experts in highly interactive sessions. We’re expecting attendance to at least match the 150-odd of last year’s event. More on all this soon.

The other task which is taking even more of our time is creating the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report. This will be the first in a series of major reports we will be releasing this year. The report is included in registration to Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum, so we have a deadline to meet. However this will be Release 1.0 of the report, and it will be regularly updated and expanded so it both continues to improve, and is always up-to-date on market developments. Very soon after the Forum the report will be available for purchase for US$195, including all updates until the end of the year.

More details on the report soon. I’ll also release sneak previews of some of the report content on this blog.

SkyNews Interview: Mobile and web collaboration build high-performance organizations


I was recently interviewed on SkyNews about how mobile and web technologies are relevant to organizations today – the video of the interview is below.

A few points that I made in the interview:

* Technology should be focused on getting effective contribution and participation from staff, and building efficiencies and productivity.

* Critical technologies include mobility, web 2.0, and video.

* Business value includes discovering resources in the organizations, getting products to market quicker, and enabling richer business conversations.

* Today many larger organizations are seeking to tap the energy of their younger staff, who expect their employees to use current technologies.

* The key issue today is building collaborative, high-performance organizations that will be successful in challenging times and be positioned for the next economic upturn when it comes.

Video excerpts of keynote speech for Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum: The Future of the Network Economy


I recently gave the keynote speech for a Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum, where Sun brought together the top executives from its extensive partner network for an update and relationship building session.

Below is an 8 min video containing brief excerpts from my keynote, titled The Future of the Network Economy.

Topics covered in the video include:

* In the Depression of the 1930s there was little structural change in the economy; in the current downturn there will be massive change.

* In a connected world you can – and must – reposition yourself across boundaries.

* Scale-free networks provide a common structure across society, web, infrastructure and more.

* Collaborative filtering is where the web is going: it enables us to find what is most relevant to us from infinite content.

* Open innovation requires identifying and stimulating the social networks where relevant ideas are proliferating.

* Our individual and organizational reputations will precede us, giving us and others insights into our expertise, reliability, and credibility.

* Strategy in an economy based on the flow of information and ideas requires us to rethink alliances and identify opportunities in new domains.

* The law of requisite variety means we must be at least as flexible as our environment.

* Studying ants’ collective behavior can help organizations understand how to tap emergence to create value.

What business books I’m buying and reading


I just received my latest book shipment from Amazon.com – it’s a tasty pile and I thought I’d share the list in case people are interested. Friendfeed is a nice way to share my various activities, but doesn’t include book purchases, which I’d probably prefer to share on an ad-hoc basis anyway.

Below are the books, together with brief comments. In most cases I haven’t read them cover to cover yet, but I’ll offer my thoughts either through reputation or having had a browse.

The predominant themes of Enterprise 2.0 and influencer marketing are obvious. We are writing our own Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, as well as running our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum soon, and it’s good to see what else has been written on the topic. As any regular readers of this blog will soon discover, influence will be a major theme for my companies in 2009.

Enterprise 2.0

By: Niall Cook

A succinct report-style overview of Enterprise 2.0 from an executive perspective, written by Niall Cook of PR firm Hill & Knowlton.


By: Aaron Newman, Jeremy Thomas

An extensive examination of Enterprise 2.0 implementation. It is written primarily for technical people, including some code examples, though is certainly accessible to non-technical people.

The Wealth of Networks: How Social Production Transforms Markets and Freedom

By: Yochai Benkler

I’ve been long overdue to get this on my bookshelf. Already a classic, it covers the political and economic implications of a networked world.

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Discount for early registration at Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum ends 24 December!


Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum is shaping up to once again be the premier event in Australia on how Web 2.0, mobile, and emerging technologies are being applied to create value in organizations.

An early registration special of $110 off applies until 24 December, so don’t forget to include it in your pre-Christmas shopping! And remember, there are significant additional discounts for members of AIMIA, Innovation Bay, NSW KM Forum, and PRIA.

A quick reminder of some of the highlights of the event:

* Top Australian and global speakers, including JP Rangaswami of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein fame, and case studies including Westpac, Corporate Express, Janssen-Cilag etc.

* Deep content in a workshop format from most of the top experts and consultants in the field in Australia, including Kate Carruthers, Stephen Collins, James Robertson and many others.

* Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Report providing a clear roadmap for implementation included in the price of registration – valued at US$195.

* Detailed coverage of highly practical issues including governance processes, implementing policies, establishing mobile workflow, implementing social networks, and far more.

Hope to see you there!

The relevance of Enterprise 2.0 in an economic downturn


Moving towards our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum 2009, a key issue has to be how these themes are relevant to the most prominent concerns of senior executives. In short, how will applying Web 2.0 and mobile technologies in organizations save money, increase efficiency and productivity, increase market share, and build profitability?

A number of recent blog posts have squarely addressed this issue, and are important reading in framing why Enterprise 2.0 must be a top priority for executives.

Susan Scrupski, talks about Reality Check 2.0 in writing about what the members of the Advisory Board for the next Enterprise 2.0 conference in Boston are saying.

Mike Gotta of Burton Group says:

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Registrations open for Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum 2009 on 24 February 2009 – providing a clear roadmap for organizations


I’m delighted to announce that registrations are open for Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum 2009 on 24 February – full details on the website.

To help you make up your mind early, there are significant discounts for registrations before Christmas, and the first 25 registrations get a free copy of my book Living Networks.


Click here to download flyer for Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum 2009

The inaugural Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum was in February 2008, attracting a sell-out audience of senior executives and extensive media coverage, including Sydney Morning Herald, The Australian, Computerworld, NineMSN, MIS The Scoop, Smartcompany, The Financial Standard and many others.

This year will be bigger and better, building on an additional year of experience from Australian and global enterprise experience in successfully implementing Web 2.0 and mobile technologies to transform their organizations.

Major announcements soon on a fantastic speaker line-up.

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Quick review of Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration World event


Oof! Well hopefully my last 13 blog posts as I chaired ONSBCW over the last two days have been useful to people, and not annoyed any faithful readers. Between Jenny Williams on Twitter, myself blogging, and various other people twittering and blogging, we had the event pretty well covered :-). It would have been nice to take a break from the constant note-taking, but once I started I thought I might as well continue.

Quick thoughts on the event:

* There is clearly a very strong appetite for the topic of social networks not just from business, but also from government.

* While this now not a new topic, most organisations are still struggling to really get traction, not least because of senior executive reluctance.

* There is strong diversity not just in the consumer social network space, but also in the many tools and platforms available to enable social networks in and beyond organizations.

* Twitter is solidly established in a core community which is rapidly extending. Those who can’t find the time or energy to blog are dabbling in Twitter. The attendees’ experience of Twitter at the event was a convincer for many to try it out, as happened at the Future of Media Summit.

* Few people really have their heads around the different spaces in which social networks and Web 2.0 tools can be applied and how these relate to each other – creating greater clarity on this will be very useful.

* Over the next years ‘social networking’ in the broadest sense is going to become central how business, government and society function – we really are on the cusp of something massive here.

So now onto other projects. Of course top of the agenda is our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum 2009 on 24 February, which will delve into far more detail on how these issues impact the enterprise, and provide highly practical insights on governance, policies, implementation, and creating short-term value.

We are also creating an Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, which will provide a clear roadmap to organizations on this path. This will be included in the registration cost of the Executive Forum, and we will be actively marketing the report beyond that.

Lots more on all this over the next few months!

Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration World – Enterprise stream Part 1


I’m at Day One of Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration World, where I’m chairing the plenary sessions and enterprise streams.

Other posts:

RIchard Kimber, CEO of Friendster, presentation

Rebekah Horne, head of Fox Interactive Media Australia and Europe, presentation

Francisco Cordero, GM Australa, Bebo, presentation

CEO panel

Paul Slakey, Google

Enterprise stream – Part 2

Ross Ackland, Deputy Director, World Wide Web Consortium

Laurel Papworth, Director and Social Networks Strategist, World Communities

Paul Marshall, CEO, Lassoo.com.au

Government stream – part 1

Government stream – Part 2

The Law meets Web 2.0

Conference Twitter stream

Partner event: Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum on 24 February 2009

Enterprise stream – Part 1

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Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration World – Paul Slakey


I’m at Day One of Online Social Networking & Business Collaboration World, where I’m chairing the plenary sessions and enterprise streams.

Other posts:

RIchard Kimber, CEO of Friendster, presentation

Rebekah Horne, head of Fox Interactive Media Australia and Europe, presentation

Francisco Cordero, GM Australa, Bebo, presentation

CEO panel

Enterprise stream – Part 1

Enterprise stream – Part 2

Ross Ackland, Deputy Director, World Wide Web Consortium

Laurel Papworth, Director and Social Networks Strategist, World Communities

Paul Marshall, CEO, Lassoo.com.au

Government stream – part 1

Government stream – Part 2

The Law meets Web 2.0

Conference Twitter stream

Partner event: Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum on 24 February 2009

Paul Slakey, Google

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