Launch of Future of Sex: why we’re doing it


My company Advanced Human Technologies has recently launched the website Future of Sex (, which explores the intersection of technology and human sexuality.

A few people have been surprised to see us launch this site, as it is a little different from the topics we usually cover. Here is the background and reasons why we’ve launched the site.

It is a fascinating topic.
As I wrote in Speaking about the ethics of interspecies virtual sex, I have experienced people’s deep interest whenever I have talked about the future of sex in my keynotes (of course only to audiences where it is an appropriate topic). Not surprisingly, since people seem to be always interested in sex, the future of sex is doubly interesting.

It is one of the most easily monetized topics about the future.
As a publisher, we look for where there is a solid business model. Just over 5 years ago now I wrote a blog post about massively multi-player sex games, commenting on the broadening scope of virtual worlds. Since then, continuing until today, I have received thousands of visitors a month to that post from Google searches on related topics. Since we put into the post an affiliate link to the largest virtual sex world Red Light Center we have been making some very healthy pocket money off just that one post.

On Future of Sex, we have included section titled a ‘Bizarre Bazaar’ [Not safe for work] which includes links to the various products and services we’re aware of in virtual sex, remote sex, and sex robots. We use affiliate links where there are any. As such, if the site gets decent traffic from people who are interested in the topic, we can generate significantly more revenue than from generic advertisements.

It is a valid and significant topic of discussion.
As we have many large corporate clients, we didn’t want to upset anyone. Of course, the future of sex is both a valid and important topic for us to consider and understand. Mainstream media such as newspapers and television often cover various aspects of the future of sex. We simply needed to deal with it appropriately. As such we have designed the site to be safe for work (or at the edges of it), and to deal with the issues from an intelligent rather than prurient perspective.

Here are a few of the posts up so far that have attracted the most interest:

What the ‘Uncanny Valley’ Means for Robot Love and Sex
The implications of robotics science. Honored that this story was tweeted by William Gibson.

Adult Games: Hands On Sex Simulation with Kinect
The Kinect platform is put to increasingly diverse uses.

An Intimate Communication Device for Long Distance Relationships
Using technology to build intimacy even when you are apart from your partner.

Gay Marriage Will Lead to Robot Unions
An interesting train of logic suggests that same-sex marriage will lead to robots following suit.

I’d love to get your feedback on what you think of the site and the topic, and whether you think it is an appropriate endeavor for a respected (I hope!) organization.