Entries by Ross Dawson

Why a future of efficient capital markets matters and how we’ll get there

I recently gave a keynote in Dubai at The World in the Future conference, organised by the Ministry of Finance as part of the Dubai government’s Innovation Month. The event timeframe was 30 years in the future, showing an appetite for foresight very unusual from governments. The event kickoff brought together three featured speakers – […]

Directing Innovation: Course for company directors to keep ahead of disruption

For many years I have been working with company directors on framing and driving innovation in their organizations. From this March I will be applying this experience as Course Director for a new program run by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD), titled Directing Innovation. The one-day course is intended for experienced directors and […]

New framework: The six elements of Platform Strategy

Tomorrow I am giving the keynote on Platform Strategy: Creating Exponential Value in Connected Times at the Digital Single Market Cloud Stakeholder Conference in Vienna, Austria. An increasing proportion of my work over the last years has been explicitly centered on platforms and platform strategy, but in many ways it is has been core to […]