Entries by Ross Dawson

The state of news media

A great report just out by the Project for Excellence in Journalism on The State of the News Media 2006, focusing on the US news industry. It provides detailed analysis across all news media, including newspapers, online, TV, radio, alternative and more. The new major emerging trends they picked out this year are: * The […]

Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services – Developing and implementing robust strategies

Download the complete White Paper: The Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services Continued from Responding to Mega Trends – Evolve your business models. Full table of contents below. Developing and implementing robust strategies Professionals tend to focus on their domain of expertise rather than developing and implementing strategies for their firms. Yet in the face of […]

Keeping on blogging and serialization

Apologies for the lack of posts over the last week. I’d like to intersperse the serialization of the Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services paper with more current and informal musings, but it’s not always easy to do. This week entails 30 hours of flying time (a chunk of which later today), with pretty much all […]

Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services – Create a highly networked firm

Download the complete White Paper: The Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services Continued from Responding to Mega Trends – Build strategic transparency. Full table of contents below. Create a highly networked firm Many professional services organizations are not really firms, they are a set of individual professionals working under the one banner. If, however, firms can […]

Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services – Build strategic transparency

Download the complete White Paper: The Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services Continued from Responding to Mega Trends – Lead your clients into knowledge-based relationships. Full table of contents below. Build strategic transparency Don’t fight the trend—you’ll only end up getting run over. The MegaTrend of Transparency can be your friend, if you take a thoughtful, […]

Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services – Responding to the MegaTrends

Download the complete White Paper: The Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services Continued from Commoditization. Full table of contents below. Responding to the MegaTrends The first imperative for any professional and professional services firm leader is to recognize the reality of the MegaTrends. Denial does not help. The days of working towards becoming an equity partner […]

Work culture in China

Some extraordinary statistics in the March issue of Harvard Business Review, in an article by Gallup executives on what’s happening in China: % of urban Chinese workers who strongly agree: – I know what is expected of me at work….34% – At work I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day…26% […]

Google buys into online office apps

Big news: Google has just bought Upstartle, the owner of Writely. Writely is basically an online word processor that looks and feels pretty much like Microsoft Word. You can create, edit, and format documents, as well as upload and download documents from your PC. The biggest single advantage is that anyone you choose can also […]

Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services – #7 Commoditization

Download the complete White Paper: The Seven MegaTrends of Professional Services Continued from Globalization. Full table of contents below. MegaTrend Seven: Commoditization A commodity is quite simply a product or service for which the customer sees only one significant difference between what’s on offer: the price. The drive towards commoditization is perhaps the most powerful […]