Entries by Ross Dawson

USAToday takes mainstream online news into social networks

A month ago, in a piece on mainstream media merging with social media, I described how USAToday was one of only two mainstream online news sites that allowed users to select their own feeds from any news source. Now USAToday has announced a massive site revamp that includes features such as user commentary on all […]

Blogs, media, parasitism, and symbiosis

This issue has been discussed before and I’ve written about it several times, though it doesn’t seem to go away. Robert Niles, editor of Online Journalism Review, has written a very interesting post titled Are blogs a ‘parasitic’ medium? He notes : Over the past months, I’ve heard several journalists make the same comment at […]

Innovation Timeline 1900 – 2050: what we might invent in the next few decades

Following the big success of the Trend Blend 2007+ trend map, Future Exploration Network partner organization Nowandnext.com has followed up with an Innovation Timeline 1900-2050. It represents visually (and as usual somewhat tongue in cheek) the development of innovation from 1900, starting with the tape recorder, safety razor, tabloid newspaper, aeroplane and cornflakes, and flowing […]

The intersection of value networks and social networks

I’m at Auckland airport, on my way home from co-presenting a Value Networks Masterclass with Verna Allee. It was a fabulous event, with around 30 attendees. This included a group from the event organizers AgResearch, which is already well under way in applying value networks methodologies, including having a number of people certified in Verna […]

BRW Digital Media Leaders Forum: The Case for Digital

The BRW Digital Media Leaders Forum is on in Sydney on 23 March, promising to be another excellent event in the Australian digital media space this year. The agenda includes pointed issues such as Web 2.0 and the social web, creating revenue streams and commercializing content, new content delivery methods and more. I will be […]

The trend for trend maps

There seems to be a trend for trend maps! Back in late December Nowandnext.com and Future Exploration Network released a map of major trends for 2007 and beyond, as below. My original blog post described some of the background to the trend map. Click here for the full Trend Blend 2007+ map The pdf version […]

Corporate blogging becomes Enterprise 2.0

Today BRW launched its flagship Australia Online issue (which is only available online at a hefty subscription price!), covering an interesting range of topics including the rise of online advertising (over $A1 billion annually now), e-commerce, online classifieds, travel, internet TV and music downloads. There is a truly atrocious full page picture of me facing […]

Everyone’s data streams for everything visible everywhere

Emily Chang has written about a project to aggregate all the information that flows through her life. “As the calendar rolled to 2007, I kept wishing I could look at all my social activity from 2006 in context: time, date, type of activity, location, memory, information interest, and so on. What was I bookmarking, blogging […]

Developing knowledge-based client relationships: Chapter 1

The second edition of Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships was released 18 months ago now. The first edition, launched in January 2000, was on several Amazon.com bestseller lists, including ranking at #1 from Australia for the two months after its release, and on the top 20 sellers list for Deloitte & Touche for over two years, […]