Entries by Ross Dawson

New approaches to user-generated content for broadcast TV

Great news – Dan Fill, Head of Multiplatform Production for ABC TV, will be speaking at the Future of Media Summit 2007 on the Sydney side, on our opening User Generated Content meets Mainstream Media panel. In this newly created role, Dan oversees the strategic development of multiplatform content creation experiences across all platforms. Prior […]

Emerging media business model frameworks

Today we ran a press briefing on the Future of Media Summit, featuring a sneak preview of some of the research and content that will be included in the Future of Media Report 2007. Last year the Future of Media Report 2006 attracted excellent interest, with now over 70,000 downloads. This year’s report should be […]

Update on Future of Media Summit 2007

The Future of Media Summit 2007 is rapidly approaching. Lots of exciting developments lately on this – it promises to outdo the great success of the inaugural event last year. In particular, some recently confirmed speakers at both the Sydney and San Francisco sides of the event include: Anne-Marie Roussel, Director – Strategic and Emerging […]

The IPTV landscape

SmartInternet CRC, which was one of our partners for our Web 2.0 in Australia event, has recently released a very interesting report titled IPTV: Order, Chaos and Anarchy, examining the state of IPTV. The author is Mark Pesce, noted for being the co-inventor of VRML (Virtual Reality Markup Language) (which I was a big fan […]

Technology innovation and making the leap from smaller markets

The front page of the IT section in today’s Australian Financial Review sports as its largest story a review of our Web 2.0 in Australia event, titled “Start-ups weave future around social web”. It starts off: “It’s a dreary Sydney afternoon in early June, but social media consultant Ross Dawson couldn’t be happier. He’s surrounded […]

The increasingly tight limits of propriety for bloggers

There’s currently a massive discussion going on in the blogosphere about a series of Microsoft ads in which they asked prominent bloggers such as Michael Arrington, Om Malik, Fred Wilson, and Richard MacManus (the links are to their comments on the brouhaha) to say what they thought the term “people-ready” meant. These were compiled in […]

The Singularity and being a geek

Hmmm…. Not sure whether to take this as a compliment. Cameron Reilly of The Podcast Network and I caught up last week after we both spoke at the Evolve conference. Cameron wrote on his blog : “Caught a taxi to the airport with Ross Dawson and we had a great chat about the Singularity. Ross […]