Entries by Ross Dawson

The 9 motivations to participate in networks

A couple of years ago in the course of some consulting work I developed a framework of what motivates people to participate in networks of all kinds. This includes and goes beyond the Facebooks and MySpaces of today, to community-based and values-based initiatives. These motivations need to be understood by organizations wanting to implement open […]

Openness, network effects, and competition in social networks

The social networking space has opened out significantly today, with two significant announcements changing the state of play and introducing a new level of competition. From the very beginning of the social networking space, with the launch of sixdegrees.com in 2000 (which gave up the ghost in January 2002), the fundamental underlying issue was whether […]

SAP Thought Leadership: Service Delivery Innovation – Creating Client Value and Enhancing Profitability

SAP has just released a Though Leadership White Paper on Service Delivery Innovation, which I wrote with Matthew Horenkamp of SAP America. Service Delivery Innovation is an absolutely critical issue for professional firms. Firms’ ability to do this well will undoubtedly be a major factor in determining the winners and losers over the next decade. […]

Knowledge management shifts to new ways of thinking

The most recent issue of Image & Data Manager magazine has an article titled Knowledge management gets a social life, drawing extensively on an interview with me. Sections of the article that quote me as below: “Organisations have been trying to find ways to make knowledge management more productive, but a lot of problems have […]

Global comparisons: Why bandwidth drives Internet participation

One of most interesting snippets in the Future of Media Report 2007 was a chart showing the relationship between bandwidth speed and time spent online across a number of countries, in the second diagram below. The data supporting these charts was provided by Future of Media Summit Research Partner Nielsen//NetRatings, which was able to provide […]

Engaging people rather than advertising in virtual worlds

I’ve had several media appearances lately on marketing and advertising in virtual worlds, including writing a short piece in Marketing magazine on “Are virtual worlds an over-hyped waste of time for marketers?”, and a recent interview on an ABC TV program. The ABC TV segment was largely about billboard advertising, so I showed the TV […]

Why less blogging is a matter for national concern

A feature article by Graeme Philipson titled The Lost Art of Blogging in the Sydney Morning Herald last Tuesday covered some of the analysis I released before the Future of Media Summit, comparing Australian blogging behaviors compared to the rest of the world. The article quotes me as follows: “Of the top 25,000 blogs globally, […]