Entries by Ross Dawson

Richard Watson at Innofuture 2007

Richard Watson, our esteemed Chief Futurist at Future Exploration Network, is speaking at what looks like an extremely interesting innovation conference in Melbourne on August 28-29, called Innofuture 2007. It has a great cast of speakers, including Tom Kelley of IDEO and Frans Johanssen, author of The Medici Effect.

All business is media: Institutional media usage surges

There is much excitement at the release of private equity firm’s Veronis Suhler Stevenson’s new measures and prognostications on the media landscape, with most commentators focusing on their prediction that Internet advertising revenues will exceed those for any other media form by 2011. The single thing I find the most interesting in the report is […]

The future of video search

One of the transformative technologies over the next 5-10 years will be improved video search. With video becoming the majority of digital content on the web, the ability to find what is relevant and useful is a vital task. Imagine being able to find, in a world dominated by video content (accelerated by eventually most […]