Entries by Ross Dawson

Video interview with Peter Evans-Greenwood, Chief Technology Officer, Capgemini Australia on Enterprise 2.0

It’s great to have Capgemini involved as Gold Sponsor in our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum, and Peter Evans-Greenwood, Chief Technology Officer of Capgemini Australia, speaking at the event on ‘Expanding Enterprise 2.0 beyond the early adopters’. Peter has been working with many of Capgemini’s large clients in implementing Web 2.0 technologies and approaches. In this […]

What is Enterprise 2.0? – a primer

On the newly relaunched Future Exploration Network website, we have added a ‘What is Enterprise 2.0’ page to provide a succinct overview of the space for attendees of the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum. The page (image of the top part below) includes: * Definition * Framework * Technologies * Corporate applications * Enterprise 2.0 blogs […]

The power of Enterprise Mashups

Many people seem to think that Enterprise 2.0 is about blogs and wikis. There are many other technologies supporting the shift to more collaborative and productive organizations. One of the most important of these, and one which perhaps does more to change the role of IT in the enterprise, is mashups. In out Web 2.0 […]

Relaunch of Future Exploration Network website!

These things always take longer than we’d like. But finally the new Future Exploration Network website is up! There are some new features to the site that I’ll point out in subsequent posts, and a couple of final tweaks yet to make. Please let us know in the comments here or by email if there’s […]

The future of adult entertainment

Richard Watson, Chief Futurist at Future Exploration Network, has found that his newly launched bestseller Future Files: A History of the Next 50 Years, has generated a very diverse range of interesting opportunities. One of the enquiries was from AVN, a publishing company that focuses on the adult entertainment industry, wanting insights into where their […]

Why online reputation systems have a long way to go

eBay will eliminate negative rankings from May, according to the BBC. This makes what was barely useful into something practically useless. It’s interesting that when you talk about reputation systems, most people refer to eBay’s feedback and ratings system. It was in fact clear years ago that eBay’s ratings had very little value. The essence […]