Entries by Ross Dawson

The steady shift to an RSS-based universe

The Guardian is now providing full-text RSS feeds. Let’s dig into why this is important, and an indicator of one of the broadest shifts happening in the information landscape. Over the last few years RSS has shifted from a geek-thing that required explanation, to the point where most people have an RSS reader of some […]

Expertise location: linking social networks and text mining

A very interesting article in the Guardian today, US military targets social nets, describes new expertise location technologies. Expertise location has always been a central ‘killer app’ first sought by knowledge management and now part of the promised of Web 2.0. It is a fundamental driver in any large organization being able to tap its […]

Business models for micro-blogging in the enterprise

Today’s New York Times has an interesting article titled Start-Ups Test Dot-Com Business Models, which compares the business models of Twitter and Yammer (a recent start-up focusing on business micro-blogging that I wrote about in a recent review of the space). It says that Yammer, while a tiny fraction of the size of Twitter, is […]

Seth Godin says write so it couldn’t be any shorter

Hugh MacLeod has published a delightful interview with Seth Godin on the launch of his new book Tribes. A couple of excerpts that particularly struck me: Your books and blog posts seem to have one thing in common, they seem to be getting shorter and shorter with every passing year. I have no problem with […]

Micro-blogging in the enterprise: an idea whose time has come?

Over the last few months there has been increasing discussion of how micro-blogging tools such as Twitter could be used in organizations. Twitter is now frequently used in external communication, with organizations as diverse as @SouthwestAir, @Comcastcares, @BigPondTeam, @SEC_Investor_Ed, and @mosmancouncil using Twitter to communicate to stakeholders and for customer service. Given the rapid rise […]

ASTD Consulting News: Building Better Client Relationships

The September issue of the Consulting News magazine of the ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) includes an article I wrote on Building Better Client Relationships. The article is below: Building Better Client Relationships by Ross Dawson In an increasingly money conscious and global economy, where consultants often spend large sums and substantial energy […]

CIO Magazine interview: Six key points for CIOs in creating value from Enterprise 2.0

A little earlier in the year CIO Magazine published an excellent feature article titled Enterprise 2.0 – What is it good for? In the print and online articles they included a sidebar: The Organization As Media Entity: Enterprise 2.0 is about making mass participation valuable, which reported on my views (that I’ve written and spoken […]

Keynote for Optus Business: Five Driving Forces of Connected Business

I have just completed delivering keynotes in six cities as part of a national roadshow for Optus Business. Optus’ annual client event, this year titled Beyond 08, was a morning event for its clients and prospects in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra. The sessions began with my keynote on Surviving and Thriving in […]