Entries by Ross Dawson

Expertise location: linking social networks and text mining

A very interesting article in the Guardian today, US military targets social nets, describes new expertise location technologies. Expertise location has always been a central ‘killer app’ first sought by knowledge management and now part of the promised of Web 2.0. It is a fundamental driver in any large organization being able to tap its […]

Business models for micro-blogging in the enterprise

Today’s New York Times has an interesting article titled Start-Ups Test Dot-Com Business Models, which compares the business models of Twitter and Yammer (a recent start-up focusing on business micro-blogging that I wrote about in a recent review of the space). It says that Yammer, while a tiny fraction of the size of Twitter, is […]

Seth Godin says write so it couldn’t be any shorter

Hugh MacLeod has published a delightful interview with Seth Godin on the launch of his new book Tribes. A couple of excerpts that particularly struck me: Your books and blog posts seem to have one thing in common, they seem to be getting shorter and shorter with every passing year. I have no problem with […]

Micro-blogging in the enterprise: an idea whose time has come?

Over the last few months there has been increasing discussion of how micro-blogging tools such as Twitter could be used in organizations. Twitter is now frequently used in external communication, with organizations as diverse as @SouthwestAir, @Comcastcares, @BigPondTeam, @SEC_Investor_Ed, and @mosmancouncil using Twitter to communicate to stakeholders and for customer service. Given the rapid rise […]

ASTD Consulting News: Building Better Client Relationships

The September issue of the Consulting News magazine of the ASTD (American Society for Training & Development) includes an article I wrote on Building Better Client Relationships. The article is below: Building Better Client Relationships by Ross Dawson In an increasingly money conscious and global economy, where consultants often spend large sums and substantial energy […]

CIO Magazine interview: Six key points for CIOs in creating value from Enterprise 2.0

A little earlier in the year CIO Magazine published an excellent feature article titled Enterprise 2.0 – What is it good for? In the print and online articles they included a sidebar: The Organization As Media Entity: Enterprise 2.0 is about making mass participation valuable, which reported on my views (that I’ve written and spoken […]

Keynote for Optus Business: Five Driving Forces of Connected Business

I have just completed delivering keynotes in six cities as part of a national roadshow for Optus Business. Optus’ annual client event, this year titled Beyond 08, was a morning event for its clients and prospects in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and Canberra. The sessions began with my keynote on Surviving and Thriving in […]

ABC Radio: Peer-to-peer file sharing and the future of the media

Today’s ABC Media Report featured a special report on peer-to-peer file sharing and its impact on media. The program provided an overview of the history of peer-to-peer content sharing, starting from Napster and its legal travails, moving on to Kazaa, BitTorrent, online video distribution and the situation today, and how it is impacting the music, […]