Entries by Ross Dawson

Enterprise 2.0: Competitive differentiation occurs at the intersection of technology and culture

Recently I have been immersing myself in the Enterprise 2.0 space, organizing the second annual Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum which is on in two weeks now, writing the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 Report which will be launched at the same time (slightly afterwards for the international market), and helping a variety of large organizations to drive […]

Podcast interview: The emergence of the Wide Open Web and social network strategy in the enterprise

In the lead-up to the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum, a podcast interview with me has just been launched on Stan Relihan’s Connections Show, which is one of the top rated business podcasts in the world. Next up on the show after me is Vint Cerf, the ‘father of the internet’, so that will definitely be […]

Why JP Rangaswami is arguably the world’s leading Enterprise 2.0 practitioner

We are very excited to have JP Rangaswami doing the keynote at Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum (by video from UK). For those who haven’t come across JP’s work – you should have! For the inaugural Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum last year, our international keynotes were Andrew McAfee, the Harvard Business School professor who coined the […]

Why ‘critical mass’ is intensely relevant to Enterprise 2.0 user adoption

A new perspective on Enterprise 2.0 adoption has just occurred to me, stemming from a conversation with audience members at my KM Forum presentation the other day, and while writing the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, which is being created to be out in time for the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum. [UPDATE:] Implementing Enterprise 2.0 is […]

THE best Enterprise 2.0 experts and consultants in Australia share their expertise in workshops at Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum

Anyone who has attended our conferences knows that we create highly interactive and participatory events. One of the features we always run is ‘participant roundtables’ in which all attendees select topics of particular interest and share perspectives with their peers, who at our events are usually senior, highly experienced people. At Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum […]

Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum coming soon! New speakers and latest updates

The Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum is coming up very soon now! Click on the image below for our latest flyer on the Enterprise 2.0 event, giving full details on why this will be the premier Enterprise 2.0 event in Australia this year. As you can see from the speakers pictured above, who represent just some […]

Quick update on Enterprise 2.0

I have unfortunately not been blogging and twittering as much as usual recently, due to being intensely busy leading towards the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum on 24 February in Sydney and the release of our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report. So a quick update on where things stand, and a promise of some more in-depth content […]

Updated keynote speaker video – excerpts from speeches on the future of business

We are in the process of revamping my keynote speaking videos. While we were intending to do this anyway, a recent trigger to bring this forward was Brightcove closing down its non-professional site. We had initially used Brightcove for my videos because of the quality, however despite YouTube’s lower quality it is more visible. You’ll […]

StartupCamp Sydney: Review of six excellent Startups created in 24 hours

This is actually extraordinary. Today it is possible to create an operating service that can have real market value within 24 hours. This is a fairly new phenomenon, enabled very significantly by the platforms such as widespread APIs, programming libraries, application stores, aggregated advertising, and other elements that can be combined and recombined in ways […]