Entries by Ross Dawson

The pandemic is offering us many more choices in our behaviours, to help us carve a better future

Humans, individually and collectively, often tend to get stuck in ruts and routines. That’s our nature, we try things until we find a point of comfort and then stay there. One of the biggest potential positives of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it has broken established routines and structures, thereby giving us additional options and […]

Quality news will be central to creating a better future in this pivotal phase in humanity

Last week I gave the opening keynote at the International News Media Association Virtual World Congress, on the topic of Reinvention for a Post-Pandemic Future. My keynote was focused on the manifold opportunities for the news industry at this time of exceptional change. However the subtext was the critical role of news in supporting a […]

This crisis will spawn a vast spectrum of increasingly distinctive and unique organizations

I have long believed that organizations are becoming more different from each other and increasingly unique. Social technologies made organizations more different In the first instance this divergence has been fueled over the last dozen years by organizations implementing social technologies to add a differentiated layer of ad-hoc networks to the existing commoditized layer of […]

Using scenario planning to see the world past COVID-19: a compilation of 5 insightful sets of scenarios

Scenario planning, the discipline of building multiple relevant stories of the future to support effective decision-making, always a powerful tool for foresight, is even more relevant as uncertainty increases, making it an extremely important and valuable tool amidst our current pandemic. I have been applying scenario planning for well over 20 years, sometimes in its […]

Civic technology, more than ever, will be at the heart of democracy and effective government

Civic technology, often called CivicTech, is usually defined as technologies to enable constructive engagement between citizens and government. However I frame it more broadly as technologies that help us create a better society. I think the distinction is important, as even in these times of enlarged government roles, I believe the future does not lie […]