Entries by Ross Dawson

Video of Bruce Sterling keynote on the dawn of the augmented reality industry

Bruce Sterling , one of the founders of the cyberpunk genre, gave a fabulous keynote on the dawn of the augmented reality industry in Amsterdam when Layar’s Reality Browser was launched a few weeks ago. Bruce says that augmented reality s a techno-visionary’s dream come true. He’s been following the space since it began at […]

ABC Radio National: Discussion on the future of influence

ABC Radio National Future Tense this morning featured a discussion on the future of influence (click here for the podcast of both the radio program, and the unabridged discussion between Duncan Riley and myself). It kicks off with a quote from Chris Saad saying that influence and reputation are the currencies of the day, even […]

The future of social networks and television distribution channels

Last weekend’s Sunday Telegraph published an article titled Tech to the future that looks at what’s coming next in consumer and social technologies. Unfortunately it isn’t available online, however here are the sections where I was quoted: Futurist and author Ross Dawson says the next big shifts will pivot around how we connect to other […]

Will Influencism supplant Capitalism? The emergence of the influence economy

One of the most interesting topics at the recent Future of Influence Summit was the emergence of business models for influence. Some particularly intriguing issues were raised in the Business Models for Influence and Reputation panel, suggesting that one of the key currencies of the future will be influence. The panellists generally agreed that total […]

The shift from corporate brands to personal brands

Was just catching up on Ray Wang and Jeremiah Owyang joining Charlene Li’s Altimeter group from Altimeter. Jeremiah is quoted in the New York Times: Mr. Owyang said that his story holds lessons for other companies. “I think this is an interesting trend that many companies are going through — personal brands are here to […]

Inside Knowledge review of Implementing Enterprise 2.0

I just came across Inside Knowledge magazine’s review of my most recent book, Implementing Enterprise 2.0. Full details of the book including free chapters and the Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework mentioned in the review and pictured below are available on the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 website. Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework It’s a useful review – here […]