Entries by Ross Dawson

Creating the Future of Media: 4 Driving Forces, 4 Strategic Issues, 4 Essential Capabilities

I very rarely find the time to write magazine articles, but I was delighted to write the opening feature article for MediaTitles 2010, an annual publication which covers the media and magazine industry. To see the article in the full splendor of the print version, go to the MediaTitles website, which has the full publication […]

The next generation of computer interfaces will bring together the physical and digital worlds

For many years I have believed that our everyday interfaces with computers are deeply limited, and that creating more effective interfaces is central to our future. In my 2002 book Living Networks I selected Interfaces as one of the three key enablers that would bring the networks to life. Pranav Mistry of MIT Media Lab’s […]

Empresa 2.0: Sistema de Implementación – Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework in Spanish

We have had a fantastic global uptake of the translations of our Social Media Strategy Framework into 12 languages. As such, we intend to translate a lot more of the content created by Advanced Human Technologies and Future Exploration Network, starting with our Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework, which plays a central role in my book […]

The proliferation of crap content and the rise of content reputation systems

For a number of years I’ve talked about how we are effectively reaching a world infinite content, and the implications of that. That is becoming more real by the day, as in an economy increasingly driven by search and links, people find new ways to generate content that participates in this new information infrastructure. I […]

New keynote speaking topics for 2010

In my work as a keynote speaker – which despite all my other ventures still takes up a significant chunk of my time, attention, and frequent flyer points clocking – I always customize the presentation and topic to the client and audience. As such, on my keynote speaker website I have in the past posted […]