Social Media Strategy Framework in Italian – Schema della strategia relativa ai mezzi di comunicazione sociale


Continuing our series of translations of Social Media Strategy Framework, today we are launching the Italian edition.

See the original post for the full overview of the Social Media Strategy Framework in English.


Click on image to download pdf

Please share this with any Italian speakers.

Also be sure to let me know if you can suggest any improvements to the translation.

Keynote on Creating the Future of Media including Six Strategic Issues for publishers


Yesterday I did a keynote for Publishers Australia on Creating the Future of Media, pointing to driving forces, key strategic issues, and action items for media companies today, with Iggy Pintado also presenting on leveraging social media in publishing.

The event attracted more attendees than any similar event organized by Publishers Australia so far, so clearly these issues are at the top of the agenda for the industry.

The slides to my presentation are below. As always, note that these slides are designed to accompany my presentation, NOT to be meaningful as stand-alone information. However many people tell me they still find value in the slides even without being able to attend my keynotes, so feel free to peruse them!

To complement the slides, here is a brief description of the Six Strategic Issues I covered in the presentation:

1. Scaling

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Social Media Strategy Framework in Chinese – 社交媒体战略框架


Continuing our series of translations of Social Media Strategy Framework, today we are launching the Chinese edition.

See the original post for the full overview of the Social Media Strategy Framework in English and compilation of the framework in 11 different languages.

SMSframework  in Chinese

Click on image to download pdf

Please share this with any Chinese speakers.

Also be sure to let me know if you can suggest any improvements to the translation.

Video interview on the future of interactive marketing and online business


In the lead-up to my opening keynote at IPZ2009 Interactive Marketing Summit in Istanbul on 21 October, Turkish crowdsourced site Buzla did a video interview with me.

Click here to go the video interview in English, subtitled in Turkish.

As I explained earlier, the concept was that members of Buzla site spent two weeks submitting questions for me. The most popular questions as voted by the members were then posed to me in the video interview.


Click on the image to go to the video.

Again, I am preceded by the psychedelic teddy bears, which I am growing rather fond ot.

Here were the questions selected by the audience that I responded to in the interview:

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Social Media Strategy Framework in German – Social Media strategische Rahmenrichtlinien


Continuing our series of translations of Social Media Strategy Framework, today is German.

See the original post for the full overview of the Social Media Strategy Framework in English.


Click on image to download pdf

Please share this with any German speakers.

Also be sure to let me know if you can suggest any improvements to the translation.

Case study: hitting the Billboard charts by free online streaming of the album


I notice that Imogen Heap is continuing with the free streaming of her album Ellipse . And no doubt significantly because of the free streaming, Ellipse is charting at #5 on Billboard. It is a glorious album, though I think we can pretty definitely count the free streaming of the album on the web as a very effective strategy. Perhaps it will become commonplace to stream music for free in order to maximize sales.

I’d be keen to know the proportion of sales of this album and the songs on it online versus through CD. It would almost be surprising if she sold much in CDs at all, because her presence is so online..

I notice Imogen on Twitter now has over a million followers.

A bit tangentially, I just found this beautiful video of a beautiful song by Kate Havnevik, who I found through collaborative filtering and Imogen’s music. If you like Imogen you’ll absolutely like the extraordinary Kate. (note that it doesn’t start for 10 seconds)

Updated version of Social Media Strategy Framework


Our Social Media Strategy Framework released a few months ago has been getting a lot of attention and downloads. Based on the feedback we’ve been getting, one of the things that was missing in the first Beta version was a clearer explanation of the structure of the diagram, which has two simultaneous flows down the left and right sides of the circle.

We have clarified that in this version, indicating that the left side shows the three steps in the process of ENGAGEMENT while the right side shows the three steps in STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT.

For a complete description of the diagram see the launch of the original framework.


Click on the image to download pdf

This is still a Beta and we will continue to develop this, so please give us your input on how to improve it!

There is no such thing as best practice for Enterprise 2.0


Dion Hinchcliffe has written a useful post titled Going beyond the hype: Identifying Enterprise 2.0 best practices, reviewing some of the work in the space, and with the intent of building a broader catalog of best practices.

There is already valuable information in the post, and I’m sure Dion’s research will yield useful insights. However I have to say upfront don’t believe in the concept of “best practice” with regard to almost any business activity, particularly with Enterprise 2.0. Managers may love the idea of finding and emulating “best practice”, but trying to do that is a setup to failure.

Just as our individuality as people is often hidden, we are gradually understanding that every organization is different.

For the last year in my future enterprise speeches I have been describing how there are two layers to organizations: the commoditized layer of standardized processes, and the differentiated layer of ad-hoc networks. Best practices can useful apply to standardized processes, but far less so in facilitating connection and collaboration across diverse organizations.


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Inside Knowledge review of Implementing Enterprise 2.0


I just came across Inside Knowledge magazine’s review of my most recent book, Implementing Enterprise 2.0.

Full details of the book including free chapters and the Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework mentioned in the review and pictured below are available on the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 website.


Enterprise 2.0 Implementation Framework

It’s a useful review – here are a few excerpts:

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Answering questions in Turkish on the future of digital marketing


One of the best parts of my work as a keynote speaker is visiting places I have never been before. As such I’m delighted to be doing the opening keynote at IPZ2009, the digital marketing summit in Istanbul, on October 21. I haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit Turkey so I’m very much looking forward to it.

In the lead-up to the event the prominent Turkish online site Buzla is running a virtual interview with me. People can ask questions in Turkish and vote on the questions, with the most popular questions asked to me in a video interview. The deadline for questions is September 11, and the interview will be up on September 14. Click here to ask questions (in Turkish only) and for more information.

For those who don’t read Turkish, you might enjoy the fairly psychedelic promotional video on the site, which seems to associate me with teddy bears drinking hard liquor (though I might be mistaken :-) ).
