Answering questions in Turkish on the future of digital marketing


One of the best parts of my work as a keynote speaker is visiting places I have never been before. As such I’m delighted to be doing the opening keynote at IPZ2009, the digital marketing summit in Istanbul, on October 21. I haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit Turkey so I’m very much looking forward to it.

In the lead-up to the event the prominent Turkish online site Buzla is running a virtual interview with me. People can ask questions in Turkish and vote on the questions, with the most popular questions asked to me in a video interview. The deadline for questions is September 11, and the interview will be up on September 14. Click here to ask questions (in Turkish only) and for more information.

For those who don’t read Turkish, you might enjoy the fairly psychedelic promotional video on the site, which seems to associate me with teddy bears drinking hard liquor (though I might be mistaken :-) ).


Opportunities in Europe in late October?


For the last years I have only got to Europe irregularly – my intent has been to focus on USA and Australia, however I have been getting fairly frequent speaking and consulting work in Asia and the Middle East as well.

I will be in Istanbul on 21 October to do the opening keynote at Marketing&Management Institute’s Digital Marketing Summit, and am exploring some possibilities to do public workshops or in-house strategy sessions in Brussels and Helsinki before or after then.

Let me know if there are other possible opportunities we should discuss for when I’m in that quadrant of the globe :-).

Video of TEDx on Future of the Enterprise in San Francisco


We finally have video of my presentation on Future of the Enterprise at the TEDx event in San Francisco on May 5. The video is a nice production, very kindly done by Denis Mars to pull in the slides and Flash that supported my presentation.

Read more about the TEDxAdvance event, organized by Advance San Francisco. The best description is Andrew Mager’s excellent review of the evening.

The TEDx presentation format is strictly 20 minutes, so my presentation fits into two 9 minute YouTube videos below. Feel free to start at Part 2 if you want a sampler of the content – the story pretty much hangs together from there too.

In the presentation I discuss:

* Origins of organizations, from pre-agricultural through pyramid building, the guild, and modern companies

* Enterprise vs. Corporation. The critical distinction that means the “enterprise” will be more important than the “corporation” moving forward

* My personal work journey, through distributed computing, financial markets, Japan, information broking and NLP formed my thinking on organizations

* Knowledge and relationships are the only resources that matter in today’s economy

* Living networks of people, organizations and industry emerge

* Organizations are media entities – the flow of information defines its functioning

* Three driving forces today: Connectivity, Expectations and Commoditization

* Enterprise 2.0 is about creating the next phase of organizations – it is done by creating parameters for experimentation

* In the Heuristic Age structured trial and error is the only viable path to responsiveness

* Five questions: I end with five key questions we must answer to create the future of the enterprise:

What structures will emerge for allocating capital to enterprise?

What models will best turn participation into value creation?

How do we best tap the global talent economy in a virtual world?

What role will reputation play?

How will we make work meaningful?

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Keynote presentation: Profiting from Accelerating Change – MegaTrends in Abu Dhabi


Below are my slides for my keynote at the MegaTrends conference at Abu Dhabi.

As for all my presentations, note that these slides are designed to accompany my speech and not to be viewed on their own, though may still be useful to people who didn’t attend.

For some more detail on the Driving Forces section, see my post on The MegaTrends of Technology, Business, and Society.

Keynote in Abu Dhabi: The future of the Gulf region


Next Monday I do the closing keynote at the MegaTrends conference in Abu Dhabi. The opening keynote will be by Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, while I will close speaking on ‘Profiting from Accelerating Change in a Downturn’.

While I will be speaking from a global perspective, I will also be addressing some of the specific issues of the Gulf region and particularly United Arab Emirates

These issues include:

* Reinvesting oil wealth with a limited lifetime into the long-term growth sectors

* A very strong construction component in the Dubai and Abu Dhabi economies among a global real-estate and credit downturn

* Strong divergence in the last six months between the Dubai economy which has slumped dramatically and the Abu Dhabi economy which is still strong

* A highly polarized labor force, with a large very low-cost employment sector populated from the region, and also many global professionals

* Taking advantage of the location between Europe and Asia

Yesterday’s Dubai Chronicle did an article titled GCC Economy could reflect strong over-performance in next economic boom, based on a pre-conference interview with me, as below.

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Keynote: Transforming Aged Care with Technology


Tomorrow morning I am doing the second day opening keynote at ITAC09 – Information Technology in Aged Care conference.

Here is my presentation – as always these are intended to accompany my speech, not as stand-alone slides.

I hope to write some more on this blog on this topic before long, though it depends what I can fit in…

Keynote: Future of Global Business – Implications and Opportunities


Tomorrow I am doing the closing keynote for the CPA Week Conference in Perth, on the topic of The Future of Global Business: Implications and Opportunities.

The slides from my presentation are here – as always these are intended for people who are attending my session as they are not designed to be meaningful on their own.

I’ll write a few additional thoughts on my speech topic soon – on the run right now.

An overview of my keynote is here .

A busy May and even more exciting June…


May is going to be a very busy month for me – lots of interesting things on. In a few hours I fly to San Francisco where among other things I will be presenting at the Future of the Enterprise TEDxAdvance event and generating momentum for our Future of Influence Summit to be held August 31.

Next week I will be in Perth to do the keynote at CPA Week on The Future of Global Business: Implications and Opportunities, a speaking topic which I am experiencing a lot of demand for at the moment.

The following week is a packed week in Sydney, including launching The Insight Exchange Lunch Series with The Power of Influence on 19 May, which promises to be a very exciting event, and the keynote at Information Technology in Aged Care conference.

At the end of that week I fly to Abu Dhabi to do the closing keynote at the MegaTrends conference, with Paul Krugman doing the honors for the opening keynote. My speech will take similar themes on opportunities in the global economy in the next months and years, tailored to a Gulf States audience.

A lot happening in between all this – announcements coming soon.

And my second child is due on 13 June (!), so there will be a slowdown from travel for a bit, though we’re planning to all go to Fiji or somewhere equally nice for a bit of a relax a few weeks after… It’s quite a year!

Embracing the Future: keynote speaker at Direct Selling Assocation


Tomorrow I am giving the opening keynote at the Direct Selling Association of Australia Conference 09 which is on the theme of ‘Defining our Future’.

The slides for my presentation are below. As always, these are intended to accompany my keynote, not as stand-alone slides.

The presentation includes a diverse range of examples of markets that are currently growing:


Home renovation tools

Home gardening




Quality jewellery (in the case of my wife’s business

Brain fitness

Clean energy


Aged care

Mobile applications

Events (done well, in the right sectors)

I’ll write more soon about the array of growth markets that offer great opportunities at the moment.

Profiting from Technology Trends: Keynote at National Growth Summit


Tomorrow morning I am delivering a keynote at the National Growth Summit, looking at how fast-growing companies can tap technology trends to build growth and opportunities.

The presentation is below (usual caveats – this is not intended as a stand-alone presentation but to accompany my speech). I’ll write more about this soon, but now I must get to bed – it was a long (though fun!) day at Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum today.