Top blog posts of 2009: The future


Other 2009 summary posts

Top blog posts of 2009: 6 on Twitter and the media

Top blog posts of 2009: Enterprise 2.0 and organizational effectiveness

Top keynote speech presentations/ videos of 2009

Third in my series of my blog posts that have attracted the most interest this year, on the general topic of the future. (I haven’t included any of my presentations – I’ll select some of these to put in another post.)

1. Wealth Adaptation Syndrome (WAS): a defining malaise of our times and the opportunities that stem from it

A syndrome to help understand society in 2009

2. Why traditional conferences are dying and how unconferences and audience participation are the future of events

Why events will always be important but they are starting to look very different from before

3. The future of museums: the shift from expert curators to facilitators of participation

How museums and libraries are fundamentally shifting their role

4. Six key insights into the future of the Direct Selling Industry

What I learned about where the direct selling industry is going

5. What will Australian consumers pay for 100Mbps with the NBN?

Thoughts behind an interview on SBS World News on the National Broadband Network

6. The MegaTrends of Technology, Business, and Society

A distillation of key trends


7. Interview on the global and Middle East economy

Perspectives on what is driving the global economy and in particular the Gulf region

8. Gerontocracy is our future

Why the elderly will rule

9. The best visuals to explain the Singularity to senior executives

How to communicate to businesspeople that the future may be very surprising indeed

10. The World in 2030: Four scenarios for long-term planning and strategy

Overview of scenarios for the world in 2030


11. Futurist proved correct! …and today describes the extraordinary social technologies of 2016

Predictions on where social technologies are going

12. The Future of Sales is Social (the rise of social CRM)

Why sales is rapidly becoming driven by social technologies