Sorry I’ve been slow to follow up on the Future of Media Summit – it’s been a very busy time since the event, including some long flights :-)
To start off here are some of the most interesting blog posts on the Summit. There are some fantastic ideas and insights in these, so well worth a read. In no particular order :
Stephen Collins: What will the future of media look like?, including the ‘artificial split’ between journalism and new media
Chris Bishops: Monetising future content: business models as traditional content models break down.
JD Lasica: Takeaways from Future of Media Summit, including the ‘Great Decoupling’ and media as ‘Distraction Machine’
Phil Morle: A Future for TV: The Collaborative Crowd – the future is (crudely) present
Seth Yates: Comprehensive Future of Media Summary including notes on all the panels
Jay Cross: review of Future of Media Summit, including the US future of journalism panel
Stilgherrian: Note to “old media: journalists: adapt or stfu!
(Same post at Crikey with different comment stream)
Jonathan Este: Bloggers: the biggest whingers since journalists (Response to Stilgherrian, originally posted on Crikey and reposted on Stilgherrian’s blog with comments)
Brad Howarth: Live from Future of Media Summit Part 1, Live from Future of Media Summit Part 2, Live from Future of Media Summit Part 3 – detailed insights and commentary
Craig Wilson: review of the Future of Media Summit, including discussion of the Twitter backchannel at the event
Gavin Heaton: review of future of Media Summit: the future of media is PARTICIPATION
Alex Gibson: compilation of ideas and annotations from the event Twitter stream
Kathy Drasky: live blogging and commentary from the Future of Media Summit in Silicon Valley
Gordon Whitehead: Future of Media: Opportunity or Train Wreck – believing in opportunities
Also be sure to see the initial review of social media commentary on the Future of Media Summit. Since then, additional posts on the Future of Media Summit blog include two additional summaries of discussions on Participant Roundtables on the Sydney side:
Media and social networks Roundtable
Shifts in the advertising industry Roundtable
[UPDATE:] More great blog posts
Hugh Martin: More thoughts on the Summit and Future of Journalism panel
Trevor Cook: Future of media: how relevant is social media? (Trevor coulddn’t attend but responded to the blog conversation)
Ben Barren: Recap of hesaid-shesaid Australia’s own Sarah Lacy moment (Ben also didn’t attend but adds thoughts to the debate.
Francis Pisani (Le Monde blog):
Blogalaxie: “future des medias” et “rumeurs” – Francis’s comments on the future of journalisms blog discussion stemming from the event.
I’ll be weighing in on the future of journalism debate (including notes from the outstanding Silicon Valley panel discussion) as soon as I get a chance…
New LinkedIn deals – LexisNexis and Xobni – extend the reach of professional social networks
By Ross DawsonAfter the news of the deal between LinkedIn and New York Times I wrote about a couple of days ago, LinkedIn has just announced new deals with LexisNexis and Outlook plug-in Xobni.
The LexisNexis deal is particularly intriguing. Back in 2003 a number of corporate social networking applications were launched, notably Spoke, VisiblePath, and Contact Network Corporation. I knew all the players well, and Spoke was in fact the Gold Sponsor of the Living Networks Forum I ran in New York in December 2003. At the time there was one other significant player which was in a similar space, which was InterAction CRM software, owned by Interface. The CRM software was primarily sold to legal firms, where it had a strong presence. Its functionality included a “who knows whom” function, so that lawyers could find out who in their firm knew people at client or prospect firms. As with all the other corporate social networking applications, this included a high degree of user choice on what personal contact information was made available.
In December 2004 LexisNexis, the largest provider of legal information, acquired Interface, making InterAction CRM part of its suite of offerings. Since then LexisNexis has very actively acquired software companies, notably VisualFiles in case management, Juris in pratice management, and Axxia in backoffice legal solutions, repositioning itself far beyond being an information provider.
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How will news and social networks be integrated?
By Ross DawsonIt is inevitable that news dissemination will become a largely social function. By whatever means, we will be provided with extremely low touch ways of sharing content we think would be interesting to specific people we know. This will then be filtered in various ways by the recipients, however most will value being recommended articles and sites on an individual basis.
Digg, StumbleUpon,, and other tools allow us to recommend content to the world at large. But recommendations are far more valuable if they are specific to the person and context. The best way to disseminate these recommendations is through our social networks, if we happen to spend time there. So social networks can become a platform for the collaborative filtering of content, giving individuals the benefit of their network’s judgment and access to information.
In this context, the announcement today by New York Times and LinkedIn of a way of providing custom content and recommendations to their network is a landmark. Over the next few years this integration of social networks and content will rapidly evolve to be a very important part of the landscape.
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The critical role of portable large screen devices in enabling mobile media
By Ross DawsonMichael Arrington of Techcrunch has just announced that they are trying to create the specifications to build a tablet computer primarily for web browsing for $200. The intention is to design it, then open source the design and software so anyone can build it, thus making an inexpensive web tablet available to many. More background from Nik Cubrilovic.
This directly addresses one of the key points in our Future of the Media Lifecycle framework, illustrated below (full explanation at the link).
The development of mobile media requires rich media devices. These come in two forms: handheld and portable. The iPhone and its emerging competitors have finally created a handheld interface which is a true media device that will encourage people to engage in a wide range of media consumption and creation activities. However there is still an important role for portable devices, that can’t be put in a pocket. While I’m a strong believer in the role of video glasses and similar interfaces that allow a handheld device to provide a wide visual screen, the reality is that in most cases people will want a normal flat screen. Before long rollable and foldable screens will fulfil this role. In the meantime a flat screen is both available, and will long have a cost advantage over e-paper-based screens. Laptops have a place, but have long boot times and are over-specified. eBooks will also be important, though are currently fairly application specific. A web tablet as described by Arrington would neatly fill an important space in having an inexpensive, flexible portable media device that will facilitate accessing the personal cloud that will be at the center of our lives.
On another level, this is a great example of open source innovation, in which consumers define what they want, create the model, and by making the design open source, ensure the product is commoditized and low cost. The highest value part of the process is performed by the customers, not the vendors.
Will venture capital keep flowing and when will new exits appear?
By Ross DawsonI visited several venture capital firms in Silicon Valley this week and also met the CEOs of a number of VC-funded companies. Not surprisingly, much of the talk was about the climate and outlook for venture capital, which is the spigot from which much of Silicon Valley drinks.
The MoneyTree Survey of venture capital, summarized in GigaOm , shows that total VC investments in the second quarter were basically flat over the last year or so, however with a slight continuing decline in early-stage investments. One of the key features is that late-stage investments are accumulating as exits become more difficult. IPOs had already dried up before the more recent stockmarket downturn, and now the tighter constraints on capital across the economy mean that trade exits are also falling off.
Source: MoneyTree via GigaOm
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Fantastic insights from the blog coverage of the Future of Media Summit
By Ross DawsonSorry I’ve been slow to follow up on the Future of Media Summit – it’s been a very busy time since the event, including some long flights :-)
To start off here are some of the most interesting blog posts on the Summit. There are some fantastic ideas and insights in these, so well worth a read. In no particular order :
Stephen Collins: What will the future of media look like?, including the ‘artificial split’ between journalism and new media
Chris Bishops: Monetising future content: business models as traditional content models break down.
JD Lasica: Takeaways from Future of Media Summit, including the ‘Great Decoupling’ and media as ‘Distraction Machine’
Phil Morle: A Future for TV: The Collaborative Crowd – the future is (crudely) present
Seth Yates: Comprehensive Future of Media Summary including notes on all the panels
Jay Cross: review of Future of Media Summit, including the US future of journalism panel
Stilgherrian: Note to “old media: journalists: adapt or stfu!
(Same post at Crikey with different comment stream)
Jonathan Este: Bloggers: the biggest whingers since journalists (Response to Stilgherrian, originally posted on Crikey and reposted on Stilgherrian’s blog with comments)
Brad Howarth: Live from Future of Media Summit Part 1, Live from Future of Media Summit Part 2, Live from Future of Media Summit Part 3 – detailed insights and commentary
Craig Wilson: review of the Future of Media Summit, including discussion of the Twitter backchannel at the event
Gavin Heaton: review of future of Media Summit: the future of media is PARTICIPATION
Alex Gibson: compilation of ideas and annotations from the event Twitter stream
Kathy Drasky: live blogging and commentary from the Future of Media Summit in Silicon Valley
Gordon Whitehead: Future of Media: Opportunity or Train Wreck – believing in opportunities
Also be sure to see the initial review of social media commentary on the Future of Media Summit. Since then, additional posts on the Future of Media Summit blog include two additional summaries of discussions on Participant Roundtables on the Sydney side:
Media and social networks Roundtable
Shifts in the advertising industry Roundtable
[UPDATE:] More great blog posts
Hugh Martin: More thoughts on the Summit and Future of Journalism panel
Trevor Cook: Future of media: how relevant is social media? (Trevor coulddn’t attend but responded to the blog conversation)
Ben Barren: Recap of hesaid-shesaid Australia’s own Sarah Lacy moment (Ben also didn’t attend but adds thoughts to the debate.
Francis Pisani (Le Monde blog):
Blogalaxie: “future des medias” et “rumeurs” – Francis’s comments on the future of journalisms blog discussion stemming from the event.
I’ll be weighing in on the future of journalism debate (including notes from the outstanding Silicon Valley panel discussion) as soon as I get a chance…
Quick review of social media coverage of Future of Media Summit
By Ross DawsonI’ll do some more detailed reflections on the Future of Media Summit tomorrow. I’m just about to fall over after a very long day, but thought I’d post a few important social media references and commentary on the event.
First stopping point has to be the Future of Media Summit Blog, where participants have been busily posting all day, notably:
Participant roundtables in Sydney:
Mobile Media and Content
Future of Media and Television
Flow Economy/ Media Strategy Workshop in Silicon Valley:
Reviews of panel discussions:
Global Media Strategies – 1
Global Media Strategies – 2
CEO Panel – 1
CEO Panel – 2
Future of TV and video – by Mark Pesce 1
Future of TV and video – by Mark Pesce 2
Future of Privacy and Targeted Advertising
Future of Journalism (Sydney)
Unconference sessions:
New Media – 1
New Media – 2
Twitter comments:
See the Summize search for Twitters with the #fom08 tag – literally hundreds of Twitters from attendees at the Future of Media Summit (which included a Twitter 101 session during the Unconference session in Sydney).
Live video:
The Ustream video from Phil Morle
All this will give you a good feel for the event from the perspective of participants. I’ll provide some of my thoughts soon.
In previous years the Summit blog has continued to be active for quite a while after the event as discussions continue online – hopefully this will be the case this year too! Subscribe to the blog to keep up with the conversation.
Metarand: Podcast interview on the future of media and the value of frameworks…
By Ross DawsonRand Leeb-du-Toit, the indefatigable entrepreneur and social media evangelist, is very consistently producing interesting insights on the emerging tech landscape at his blog Metarand – well worth a look or subscribe!
Last week Rand interviewed me for a podcast – go to the post to listen to the interview. We primarily discussed my thoughts leading into the Future of Media Summit, looking at the broad landscape of what’s happening in the media landscape.
What I like most about being interviewed is that I often learn from my own answers. Rand wrote:
I am very frequently asked how I keep on top of so much information and make sense of it. It was only when Rand asked the question of how I go about ‘pattern recognition’ that I realized how central is the role of the frameworks I create, which are as much for myself as for others. Of the collection of frameworks in the Future of Media Report 2008, released last week, unquestionably my favorite is the Future of the Media Lifecycle framework, which pulled together many of the loose thoughts floating around in my head.
Future of Media Drinks in Sydney tomorrow – all welcome!
By Ross DawsonAfter the Future of Media Summit in Sydney tomorrow speakers and participants will be gathering at the Firehouse in North Sydney from 5:30pm for drinks and general post-event conviviality. We’ve simply named it as a spot for all to gather to grab a drink, so anyone is welcome to turn up, irrespective of whether they’ve attended the Summit or not.
Venue details and directions are here.
I will be in Silicon Valley for the US side of the event and long since in bed after a long day, so will miss out on all the fun, but the Future of Media Summit Sydney Chair, Jenny Williams of Ideagarden, and Jessica Hough and Julian Hill from Future Exploration Network will be there to welcome you and say hi. Pass on word to whoever you wish. Have a great time if you make it along! I’ll hear all about it afterwards…
Launch of Future of Media: Strategy Tools framework
By Ross DawsonThe third key framework from Future of Media Report 2008 (after Future of the Media Lifecycle and 7 Driving Forces Shaping Media) is the Future of Media: Strategy Tools framework.
This lays out three of the most valuable tools for building strategy in the media and adjacent industries. The high-level overviews are intended to provide some useful introductions to relevant strategy tools for those engaged in the front-line of creating and implementing strategies in an extraordinarily dynamic environment.
Flow Economy Framework
The central framework used here is the Flow Economy framework that I first described in Chapter 7 of Living Networks (free download of chapter 7 here).
The chart gives an overview of the process of using the Flow Economy framework for media strategy, illustrated by brief examples of the strategies adopted by Apple, BSkyB, and NTT DoCoMo.
Scenario Planning for Media
A high-level example of the scenario planning process is described as applied to media, together with a scenario framework that is particularly relevant in the current environment.
Game Theory: Strategies for Openness
Traditional approaches to strategy are having to change as the industry landscape moves at a rapid pace to openness. One of the most powerful tools available to address these issues is game theory.
Future of Media Summit blog: Mark Pesce on iPhone phails, Tom Abate on future of journalism, insights from other speakers and participants…
By Ross DawsonEvery event we do, we run a blog for all speakers and participants. Since Future of Media Summit 2007 we’ve maintained the Future of Media blog on an ongoing basis, including my blogging activity on the future of media.
As we approach the Future of Media Summit 2008, the Future of Media Summit blog is taking off as a forum for fantastic contributions and ideas on the future of media. Summit speakers and participants are now posting, and we can expect some fantastic conversations on the event blog up to, during, and after the Summit next week.
Some recent highlighted posts with brief excerpts:
Mark Pesce on iPhail: A fantastic, detailed post on what is wrong with Australia’s iPhone plans.
Mark Pesce (again) on Another Planet, Utterly Unlike Our Own.
Tom Abate on Take me to your leader. Reflections from a life in journalism on where it’s going.
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