Presentation on Implementing Enterprise 2.0 in the Real World


I’ve just got back from presenting at NSW KM Forum on Implementing Enterprise 2.0 in the Real World, where I was spreading word on our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum.

Below are my slides, which contain some preview material from our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report, which will be released at the end of the month.

I used the slides to discuss what actually happens in organizations in implementing Enterprise 2.0, using examples of situations I’ve seen of successful and unsuccessful implementations, and creating a conversation with the audience (who had many great stories and perspectives to offer).

Things begin by someone in the organization recognizing that there is potential value in applying web technologies.

However soon barriers emerge, which are different in each organization. These need to be understood and addressed in order to facilitate useful organizational change.

The path of implementation is different for each company, however in most large organizations some key elements need to be in place, such as addressing governance issues and directing energies where they will reap the greatest rewards and set the stage for further initiatives.

Ultimately organizations need to become comfortable with experimentation, iterating in finding how to build a more responsive, effective organization.

Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum coming soon! New speakers and latest updates


The Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum is coming up very soon now!

Click on the image below for our latest flyer on the Enterprise 2.0 event, giving full details on why this will be the premier Enterprise 2.0 event in Australia this year.


As you can see from the speakers pictured above, who represent just some of the leading experts speaking at the event, pretty much all the people who matter in this space in Australia will be there to share their expertise.

I’ll post soon in more detail about the points below. For now a quick summary of some of the features that will make attending the event to be indispensable for anyone who is involved in assessing or implementing web or mobile technologies in the enterprise:

* International keynote by video from JP Rangaswami, the visionary who instigated the first major implementation globally of Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, as featured in the landmark Harvard Business School case study and the Andrew McAfee MIT Sloan article that introduced the term Enterprise 2.0.

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Quick update on Enterprise 2.0


I have unfortunately not been blogging and twittering as much as usual recently, due to being intensely busy leading towards the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum on 24 February in Sydney and the release of our Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report. So a quick update on where things stand, and a promise of some more in-depth content coming soon…

Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum is coming together extremely well. We have an extraordinary cast of speakers drawing on deep experience and successful initiatives. A special feature is the ‘mini-workshops’ which allow attendees to draw on the insights of Australia’s leading experts in highly interactive sessions. We’re expecting attendance to at least match the 150-odd of last year’s event. More on all this soon.

The other task which is taking even more of our time is creating the Implementing Enterprise 2.0 report. This will be the first in a series of major reports we will be releasing this year. The report is included in registration to Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum, so we have a deadline to meet. However this will be Release 1.0 of the report, and it will be regularly updated and expanded so it both continues to improve, and is always up-to-date on market developments. Very soon after the Forum the report will be available for purchase for US$195, including all updates until the end of the year.

More details on the report soon. I’ll also release sneak previews of some of the report content on this blog.

Updated keynote speaker video – excerpts from speeches on the future of business


We are in the process of revamping my keynote speaking videos. While we were intending to do this anyway, a recent trigger to bring this forward was Brightcove closing down its non-professional site. We had initially used Brightcove for my videos because of the quality, however despite YouTube’s lower quality it is more visible.

You’ll see that the quality of some of the video excerpts is rather poor. We are continuing to gather footage as I do more keynotes, and we’ll gradually bring in new material so that the video reflects my current work. In fact we have a fair few video excerpts in store that we will integrate into the next version of this video.

We will also continue to release excerpts from individual keynotes. We recently posted me doing a keynote on The Future of the Network Economy for Sun Microsystems, and there are a number of other keynote videos we’ll launch soon.

All of this content is available on my website, which covers my keynote speaking and strategy leader work. The keynote videos page on the site page covers the videos we have up – more coming soon!

This keynote speaker video includes:

* Excerpts from half a dozen keynotes

* Brief excerpts from TV interviews

* Global keynote locations

StartupCamp Sydney: Review of six excellent Startups created in 24 hours


This is actually extraordinary. Today it is possible to create an operating service that can have real market value within 24 hours. This is a fairly new phenomenon, enabled very significantly by the platforms such as widespread APIs, programming libraries, application stores, aggregated advertising, and other elements that can be combined and recombined in ways limited only by the imagination.

Last night I attended the presentations from the teams that worked at Startup Camp Sydney II to create viable start-ups in a touch over 24 hours.


Streaming Video by Ustream.TV


StartupCamp started in Australia last September with StartupCamp Sydney, followed by Startup Camp Melbourne in October. This weekend StartupCamp Sydney II was held.

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Timewarp discovered: What daily life will be like in the year 2049


Have you ever wondered what life will be like in the year 2049?

Amazingly I seem to have stumbled across a timewarp. The blog p40y is being written every day in the year 2049, and each blog post appears daily 40 years earlier. Since the blog began on New Years Day 2049 (and 2009 via the timewarp) some fantastic insights into the future 40 years from now.

Here are a few excerpts that give a flavor for what we can expect at the end of this half-century.


Today I sat in a meeting with some people and some Claytronic replicas of other people that were unable (couldn’t be bothered?) to make the meeting in person. Now I know this is a new technology but it’s total rubbish. In theory you just pmail or gfax over some instructions to a giant programmable lump of clay sitting in one of the spare chairs and it automatically morphs into a life size 3-D, walking, talking replica of the real person.

However, it didn’t. In this instance the millions of tiny microprocessors didn’t seem to be communicating with each other correctly – or the electrostatic forces weren’t working because someone left an AiPhone™ on – and what we got instead was a giant brown talking turd. “Different day, same old talking shit” as one wit observed.

This is particularly interesting. Kil’n People by David Brin, one of my favorite science fiction books, describes a world in which people create animated clay replicas of themselves. I have also blogged about a Japanese professor who has created a doppelganger of himself – though not in clay…

DNA Hacking

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SkyNews Interview: Mobile and web collaboration build high-performance organizations


I was recently interviewed on SkyNews about how mobile and web technologies are relevant to organizations today – the video of the interview is below.

A few points that I made in the interview:

* Technology should be focused on getting effective contribution and participation from staff, and building efficiencies and productivity.

* Critical technologies include mobility, web 2.0, and video.

* Business value includes discovering resources in the organizations, getting products to market quicker, and enabling richer business conversations.

* Today many larger organizations are seeking to tap the energy of their younger staff, who expect their employees to use current technologies.

* The key issue today is building collaborative, high-performance organizations that will be successful in challenging times and be positioned for the next economic upturn when it comes.

The state of enterprise software: Andrew McAfee and Leo Apotheker of SAP with Charlie Rose


Here Charlie Rose interviews Leo Apotheker, co-CEO of SAP, and Andrew McAfee from Harvard Business School (who spoke at our Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum last year) about enterprise software. The interview begins at 33:00.

It’s interesting that enterprise software is seen as a topic of relevance to a broad audience. Of course it should be, for many reasons, though it is usually seen as an arcane topic. Also good to see that McAfee’s views are getting a broader airing.

A few particularly interesting comments in the interview:

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Internet car radio is here – internet radio may supplant broadcast


At CES 2009 Blaupunkt is showing the world’s first in-dash internet car radio, powered by technology from Australian-based company miRoamer. The radio accesses the internet via Bluetooth to any mobile phone in the car which has 3G internet access.


Two key issues:

Parthimos said a 2GB monthly data plan would be required to power the internet radio for a month on the average drive to and from work.

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Video excerpts of keynote speech for Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum: The Future of the Network Economy


I recently gave the keynote speech for a Sun Microsystems Partner Executive Forum, where Sun brought together the top executives from its extensive partner network for an update and relationship building session.

Below is an 8 min video containing brief excerpts from my keynote, titled The Future of the Network Economy.

Topics covered in the video include:

* In the Depression of the 1930s there was little structural change in the economy; in the current downturn there will be massive change.

* In a connected world you can – and must – reposition yourself across boundaries.

* Scale-free networks provide a common structure across society, web, infrastructure and more.

* Collaborative filtering is where the web is going: it enables us to find what is most relevant to us from infinite content.

* Open innovation requires identifying and stimulating the social networks where relevant ideas are proliferating.

* Our individual and organizational reputations will precede us, giving us and others insights into our expertise, reliability, and credibility.

* Strategy in an economy based on the flow of information and ideas requires us to rethink alliances and identify opportunities in new domains.

* The law of requisite variety means we must be at least as flexible as our environment.

* Studying ants’ collective behavior can help organizations understand how to tap emergence to create value.