Beijing lecture: The end of newspapers and the future of news


When I’m in Beijing next week I’ll be doing a guest lecture at Beijing Foreign Studies University, China’s premier international studies university, where many of the country’s foreign ministers have studied.

I will be speaking on The end of newspapers and the future of news. While many are familiar with my Newspaper Extinction Timeline, that is just one aspect of what I consider a far more interesting topic, the future of news.

Here are full details.

Date: May 19, 2011
Time: 4:30pm – 7:00pm
Location: 北京外国语大学东院日本学研究中心三层多功能厅 (Multimedia Hall, 3rd Floor, Japanese Studies Center, East Campus, Beijing Foreign Studies University).

Please do pass on word to people in Beijing who may be interested. I’ll also be doing a Beijing Social Media Meetup at lunch same day – I’m keen to meet interesting folk while I’m in town!