Entries by Ross Dawson

Humans + AI: Do we want to be Centaurs or Minotaurs?

After chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was first beaten by a computer he introduced what is often called “centaur chess“, in which humans and machines collaborate, historically often beating either humans or computers on their own. A centaur is half-human, half-horse, but importantly the head and torso are human and the body is horse, giving agency […]

World building and venture capital

I had lunch today with my old mate Phil Morle, Partner in deep tech venture capital firm Main Sequence Ventures. We talked about how to take entrepreneurs and leaders into thinking beyond obvious linear extrapolations from the present.  We agree that even the next few years, let alone the next decade, are likely to be […]

Success at hybrid work when you’re not a big corporation

We have irreversibly shifted into an era in which remote and hybrid work are the norm. Every organisation needs to transition their working practices to succeed in this new environment. Large corporations move slowly yet are used to embarking on change initiatives. The challenge is very different for small & medium-sized businesses (SMBs), which can […]

The implications of new mind-reading technologies that discovers what we find most attractive

What if technology could help you discover what you found most attractive, in people, art, or your environment? In Alfred Bester’s SF novel The Deceivers, Demi Jeroux evolves her appearance to match what her lover finds most attractive. Now existing in real life, a recent paper Brain-computer interface for generating personally attractive images describes the […]