Entries by Ross Dawson

40 biggest players of Australia’s digital age

B&T has just launched Digital Media magazine, “Australia’s journal of the new media revolution”, with the cover story on their inaugural issue: “40 Biggest Players of Australia’s Digital Age”. I am named as one of the 40 biggest players in digital media in Australia, saying about why I matter (no this is not from my […]

Real estate and the power of mashups

You’ve got to love this. For those who doubt the power and value of the internet, have a look at the map below, which shows the density of single women across San Francisco, together with their earnings. For example, in Pacific Heights near Alta Plaza Park, more than a third of the residents are single […]

The characteristics of high-performance personal networks

Research has consistently shown that high-performers – in terms of both career success and contribution to their organizations – have personal networks that are different from others. Observing people’s personal networks is one of the best ways to predict success. Building on ideas and references from an earlier post I made, here are some useful […]

Insights from network analysis of the Australian media industry landscape

Network analysis provides powerful insights into how social groups, organizations, industries, and economies are structure. More pointedly, it also can help identify the leverage points that will enhance strategic positioning and improve outcomes. Over the last few years of my work in the network space, I have focused primarily on social networks and organizational network […]

Interview on connecting spaces and our interstitial world

Maria O’Donovan is a very interesting commentator who is currently doing a Masters in ICT and learning at Aarlborg University in Denmark. She recently interviewed me for her Enabling Spaces blog, and has transcribed our wide-ranging conversation. Things that I discuss in the interview include: • Media as an interstitial phenomenon • Lead consumers and […]

Chapter 6: Implementing key client programs

I recently pointed to the launch of the second edition of Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships, including the free download of Chapter 1 of the book. Following on from this, the other free chapter from the book is Chapter 6 – Enhancing Client Relationship Capabilities: Implementing Key Client Programs. Over the last decade most major organizations […]

Keynote speech on the future of investment

I’ve just found out that there’s a video stream of a keynote speech I did last year on the future of investment at the Brillient PortfolioConstruction conference. At the time I wrote about one of the key frames I used for the presentation, focusing on population growth and economic growth in the period from 1600 […]