Entries by Ross Dawson

Media and blog coverage on Future of Media Summit

The Future of Media Summit has received a stack of coverage in print media, including all of Australia’s major broadsheet newspapers featuring various aspects of the event: The front page of The Australian’s weekly Media & Marketing section had a large piece titled Internet TV Push ‘Unstoppable’, drawing on commentary at the Summit. The Sydney […]

Key elements of media business models

In the lead-up to the Future of Media Summit 2007 held in Sydney and San Francisco next week, we will feature some excerpts from the Future of Media Report 2007, recently released to accompany the event. In this post we will cover the Key Elements of Media Business Models frameworks which are the centerpiece of […]

Launching the Future of Media Report 2007!

The annual Future of Media Summit held simultaneously in Sydney and San Francisco (the Future of Media Summit 2007 is on next week) is as much about providing new content, research, and insights as it is about an event. Last year the Future of Media Report 2006 certainly succeeded in its objective of sparking debate […]

The Imperative of Service Delivery Innovation

Service Delivery Innovation will be a critical theme for professional service firms over the next five years. Technology reconfiguration, the use of global talent, and changing demands from local and global clients all contribute to the necessity of finding new ways to deliver services. While commoditization is a reality that must be addressed in how […]

Participate in the Future of Media Summit blog!

The Future of Media Summit participant blog was recently launched. This is a forum for speakers, partners, and attendees at the Future of Media Summit 2007 to discuss the issues covered at the Summit before, during, and after the event. When you register for the event you will be given a login and instructions to […]

Gaining insights into the services economy

In my keynote speeches I often ask the audience what proportion of the US economy is services. The majority of people guess far below the correct figure, which is 82%. I often point to the following chart, which illustrates the opening words to my book Developing Knowledge-Based Client Relationships: “In 1980 the US economy was […]