Entries by Ross Dawson

Professional services network offsite: Tapping the Power of Collaboration

This morning I gave an extended keynote session at the annual offsite of a very interesting global professional services network, which brought together the leaders of the member firms. International networks in accounting, law, consulting, and other professional services have flourished over the last years as small to mid-sized firms have sought the benefits of […]

Keynote speech on Creating the Future of Business

Yesterday I gave a keynote on Creating the Future of Business at the Q400 Business Summit in Brisbane, which was themed Future Shocks. The feedback was fantastic; I’m hoping to be able to post a video of my presentation soon. One of the key themes of my presentation was the Open Economy, in which everything […]

Facebook and portals in the workplace

Following close on the heels of SurfControl’s Facebook-is-costing-the-Australian-economy-$5-billion! story and some of the more balanced media response, Sophos, another internet security company, has released survey results saying that half of all companies restrict access to Facebook. Apparently 43% block Facebook outright, while 7% more give access only when it is deemed relevant. These figures may […]

“Facebook ban a little hasty”: counting the benefits of social networks to the enterprise

Following up on yesterday’s kerfuffle on Facebook in the enterprise, the Australian Financial Review has an article on page 3 titled “Facebook ban a little hasty”. While briefing mentioning the spurious numbers provided by SurfControl, they report that Pacific Publications, a major magazine publisher, has banned employees from accessing Facebook, while law firm Arnold Bloch […]

Media industry network analysis – tools for better strategic decisions

Among the most powerful applications of network analysis is understanding industry structure and the implications for strategy. While this is still a relatively new field, we are beginning to uncover some very specific approaches and applications to industry network analysis. If you go to a large strategy consulting firm to provide strategy recommendations, you will […]