Entries by Ross Dawson

Is one web ratings black box better than another black box? Why should we believe Alexa is better?

Alexa, the Amazon.com subsidiarywhich provides website traffic and rankings information, has just announced it has revamped its rankings system. Since I have the Alexa toolbar installed in my browser, which shows the ranking of whichever website you’re currently looking at, I actually noticed this morning that the rankings were changing. Techcrunch reports that the change […]

Interview: The future of media and entertainment in 2020

Today’s issue of The Australian has a special section on the media industry in 2020, to coincide with the Australian government’s 2020 Summit to be held this weekend. I was interviewed for a feature article titled Watch this space as sector goes on move (together with a nice pic of me in the print edition). […]

Techcrunch donates party proceeds to DataPortability and OpenID

Techcrunch’s Geek goes Chic party in LA last night attracted 2,100 people, which is probably the biggest gathering of well-dressed geeks in history. Techcrunch divided the $13,000 raised in ticket sales ($10 each for the 1,300 who weren’t cool enough to be on the guest list) to DataPortability and OpenID. Michael Arrington has been a […]

Insights into the Australian search and directories market

Vishal Sharma of Startups Carnival fame has just released a nice review of the Australian search and directories market. It pulls together data from the recent BRW Digital Generation edition and PricewaterhouseCoopers, and perhaps most interestingly reviews 18 players in online search, looking to tap a market estimated at A$254 million currently, and A$532 million […]

Boston Globe covers the Extinction Timeline

Alex Beam, the award-winning writer for the Boston Globe, has written his latest column about the Extinction Timeline, which was co-created by Future Exploration Network and What’s Next (and displayed below – click on the image for the full timeline as a pdf). Alex interviewed me last week, and extracted from our wide-ranging conversation thoughts […]

The evolution of blog ranking mechanisms (Trends in the Living Networks ranked #549 by Wikio)

Wikio represents the new breed of media and blog aggregation, bringing together a range of features to improve access to breaking news. It includes the top-ranked breaking news, top blog stories, latest stories and conversations in 16 categories, and a shopping section featuring the most popular products, with user rating of stories. The founder Pierre […]

More media coverage of Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum

Some more media coverage of the Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum (also see previous media coverage of Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum): Online Banking Review did a review of Enterprise 2.0 Executive Forum titled Don’t Be Afraid of Web 2.0. It begins: Large corporates are struggling to relinquish the control they must sacrifice in order to successfully […]