Framework: AI’s impact on business models and value creation


AI is reshaping business models and value creation across all industries. Forward-thinking leaders are considering how their business models will evolve and the legion new opportunities for enhanced value creation and capture.

We are very early in discovering the structures that work best, and how to configure across multiple dimensions, including internal value creation based on humans + AI, a diverse array of enhanced customer offers, ecosystemic value co-creation, model scalability, and the coming rise of AI agents as customer intermediaries.

The framework below distills the most important frames for understanding how business models are shifting. This is just an initial top-level view of the elements, I will be sharing more detail on many aspects of this in the near future.

See full size framework


AI’s Impact on Business Models and Value Creation

Driving Forces of AI Evolution

  • Continued exponential growth in AI capabilities
  • Decreasing cost of AI and predictions
  • Increasing value of data ecosystems
  • Automation of cognitive tasks
  • Real-time decision-making
  • Acceleration of the economy

Scalable Efficiency:

  • Automation and productivity boost
  • Accelerating decision cycles
  • Resource optimization at scale
  • Continuous process iteration

Enhanced Value Propositions:

  • AI-augmented services/products
  • Smart product offerings
  • Superior customer experience
  • Proactive, anticipatory solutions

Customer Value Co-Creation:

  • Hyper-personalized services and products
  • Continuous adaptive customer value creation
  • Enhancing customer decision-making
  • Real-time iterative customization

AI as Customer:

  • M2M market evolution
  • AI-driven decision-making
  • Autonomous customer interactions
  • Agent-to-agent transactions

Restructuring Value Delivery:

  • Dynamic human-AI collaboration
  • Hybrid decision-making workflows
  • Agile service delivery models
  • Humans + AI operational balance

Shifts in Platforms and Ecosystems:

  • Data as core asset
  • Intelligent platform strategy
  • Ecosystem-driven innovation
  • Open-source AI collaboration

Evolving Your Business Models:

  • AI-first organizational design
  • Innovation through transformation
  • Capability for rapid scaling
  • Continuous model adaptation