Top 10 posts of the year on social media


Continuing my sequence of top posts from this year, today I have selected the 10 most popular and interesting posts on social media I’ve written this year.

1. We are fast learning how to create “enhanced serendipity”

Reflections on the meaning of serendipity and why it essential we strive to enhance it.

“Serendipity is one of the most beautiful words in the English language. It originates from the story of “the Three Princes of Serendip”, which tells the tale of three princes who had the faculty of making happy and unexpected discoveries (see more on the story here).”

2. Some thoughts on why Australians are #1 globally on social media usage (from a slow start)

Following news that Australians are ranked #1 in the world in their usage of social networks, 6 reasons why Australians have caught up on social media.


3. Sky Business: The implications of social media for business and why Australia leads in social media usage

Video and summary of interview on Sky News on the implications of social media for business

4. Predictions for enterprise social software and social network analysis

My reflections on Gartner’s five predictions for social software in business.

“One of the current trends in applying social network analysis inside organizations is that it is far easier to take digital communication trails (e.g. from email) to infer social networks in organizations. Tools such as Lotus Connections now have social network analysis functionality embedded in the system, and other vendors are integrating similar tools.”

5. The power of Juicystar07 demonstrates two key trends in influence

Understanding how a (now) 17 year old girl has had almost 100 million views of her commercial videos. This post is in the top 10 on Google searches for ‘Juicystar07’ and so has been seen thousands of times.

6. There are TWO possible attitudes companies can have to social media

I go into the examples of Coca-Cola and Nestlé to illustrate the two attitudes to social media:

“One attitude is to EMBRACE the fact that customers now have a voice that the company – and others – can hear, and to do whatever possible to help its advocates to form communities and talk about its products. That doesn’t mean its executives aren’t concerned that things can go wrong in social media. But the belief is that fundamentally it is a GOOD thing that customers can be heard by the world at large.

The other attitude is to HATE the fact that customers have a voice that can be widely heard. While the executives realize that their fans can communicate their love for their products, they are far more afraid that bad things will be said about them, merited or not, and they think they will have no recourse. The belief is that it is fundamentally a BAD thing that customers can be heard by the world at large.”

7. The Facebook Nipplegate saga

A series of posts giving the blow-by-blow of how Facebook tried to shut down my wife Victoria Buckley Jewellery, but the forces of sense prevailed in the end.


Breaking: Facebook bans doll nipples on profile images

Facebook’s Nipplegate hits the front page

Nipplegate escalates: A faceless Facebook shuts down protest group and proves it REALLY doesn’t like doll nipples

Facebook’s arbitrary, unwarranted, and unexplained actions: it needs to learn from its mistakes

Headlines around world for Facebook doll censorship story but NOTHING in the US media yet

Facebook tells CNET but not Victoria Buckley they have apologized for Nipplegate

8. Flipboard and Social news curation hits the tipping point


“Flipboard and are two of the hottest properties in media today. Over the last six weeks they have taken social news curation to a new level. This will undoubtedly soon spawn hordes of competitors, while these leaders in the field continue to evolve their offerings. The result will be that we all have far better access to the news that we want from world of infinite information.”

9. Seven Shifts: The Future of Social Media and Internal Communications

An article I wrote to close Melcrum’s report on How to use social media to solve critical communication issues. The seven shifts:

1. Organisations will diverge widely in how they communicate.

2. Email use will be eroded by social media.

3. Conversational channels will flourish.

4. Social search will drive value.

5. Network analysis will drive performance.

6. Virtual meetings will become immersive.

7. Work will transcend organisational boundaries.

10. The rise of social shopping in 2011: 7 examples of where it is going

“However these are just precursors of what will become far richer and more embedded ways to share the shopping experience. Here are just a few of the current services that illustrate the next phase of social shopping:”