Official: Give staff Facebook ‘or risk losing them’


The other day I wrote a post titled Implementing Web 2.0 is critical for attracting talent.

I just saw this newspaper article titled: Give staff Facebook ‘or risk losing them’

CONSTRUCTION giant John Holland says allowing employees to access social networking site Facebook can play a role in attracting and keeping young workers.

The building company has been hit hard by the current skills shortage, with group managing director David Stewart highlighting engineering as a profession experiencing an “extreme” shortage.

…and goes on to describe why John Holland decided banning Facebook was dumb.

Thanks for the pointer from James Dellow. Yes, you’re right James, I love it!

1 reply
  1. Charlie
    Charlie says:

    The funny thing is that lots of large companies spend millions on trying to improve networking within their organisations and then suddenly a very efficient networking tool emerges and they shut it down!

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