Live Event: The Power of Video Live-Streaming for PR


Video live-streaming, characterized by apps such as Periscope, Meerkat and Blab, is an exciting and rapidly growing space, with exceptional relevance to PR and all communications.

In our Thought Leader Series on What to Expect in 2016, Trevor Young’s view on 2016 wsa “I’m bullish on video live-streaming”. An earlier article on this publication explained How Brands Are Using Live Video Events: The Opportunity for PR.

To help PR professionals engage successfully with these new platforms, we are running a video live-streaming event, featuring some of the top people in the field. You can experience the Blab platform in action, listen to their insights, and engage directly in conversation. See you on the Blab!

The Power of Video Live-Streaming for PR

Mark Fidelman, Managing Partner, Evolve! & Author, Socialized!
Suzanne Nguyen, Future Geek & Meerkat Top 25 user
Trevor Young, Founder, PR Warrior & Author, microDOMINATION

US PST: Thu Feb 4th, 4:00-4:30pm
US EST: Thu Feb 4th, 7:00-7:30pm
Australia EST: Fri Feb 5th, 11:00-11:30am
Singapore/HK: Fri Feb 5th, 8:00-8:30am


[VIDEO] The Intersection Between Enterprise Technology Trends and Leadership


How governance for transformation can drive value and support the humanity of organizations

I recently gave the opening keynote at the SAP Australia User Group Summit on Leadership in Enterprise Technology. After my keynote Inside SAP did a brief video interview of me. The video and a rough transcript are below.

Some of the key themes are the idea of governance for transformation, how technology can support the ‘humanity’ of an organization, and of course leadership in enterprise technology.

Transcript: The intersection between enterprise technology trends and leadership

What will the future of enterprise technology look like?

We now have a truly connected world, where computing can literally happen anywhere. Where individuals have access to extraordinary technologies and dictate how they want to be able to use their technologies. It creates an entirely different landscape in which Enterprise Technology needs to take a leadership role. It is being subject to buffeting forces in where technology is coming from.

How can companies overcome barriers to innovation?

Organizations need to become more agile, adaptable, able to change what they are. This changes the nature of the organization itself. This is far more a cultural shift than it is technology or structure. I do believe that the idea of governance for transformation is fundamental.

We do need governance to be able to put structures around some of the risks as well to be able to understand the benefits emerging, but governance must be an enabler of transformation. So when we are looking at innovation efforts, be they explicit strategy innovation or product innovation, or they are simply creating organizations that can respond better to environment, I believe that governance from the Board of Directors down to the organization is a fundamental enabler of being able to drive effective innovation.

Which technology trends are particularly disruptive?

Vast computing powers are going into the hands of individuals. There’s processing power in terms of connectivity, and mobility is fundamentally changing the dynamic of enterprise technologies. Providers of technology and the consumers of technologies will often already have better technology in their own hands.

It applies differently across every industry, but the rise of the amount of data available and what can be done with that, the whole idea of big data which is now becoming ‘staggeringly enormous data’, changes the whole nature of what the organization it is, how it makes decisions.

What impact does technology have on organizational culture?

What is more important today than ever before, is not just technology as the enabler, but how technology relates to the humanity of the organization, to the culture of the organization.

I think social media is just one aspect of that. But on a deeper level technology is becoming enmeshed in the humanity in the organization, which was never the case before.

How will the role of the CIO change?

One of the aspects of the CIO is they are moving from managing infrastructure to hopefully managing the strategy of technology, being at the heart of strategy inside the organization. It is a shift in role to be truly in the C suite of the organization.

We’re seeing diverging paths. In some organizations technology is becoming marginalized. It is viewed as a commodity which needs to be done well and done cheaply. There are other organizations where it’s seen that technology is truly at the heart of strategy, at the heart of what the organization is becoming. The role of the CIO is to demonstrate the importance of technology being the heart of the organization. Those CIOs that are not doing that effectively are really abrogating their responsibility to that organization in creating a successful future.

[VIDEO] How External Drivers Are Shaping the IT Function and the Role of the CIO


The capabilities CIOs need to create value in a changing world

The video below of an interview with me was recorded by CIO Magazine in conjunction with a series of events sponsored by IBM on the Tomorrow-Ready CIO.

In the video I discuss how the role of the CIO is at a point of divergence. On one hand we’re seeing the CIO marginalized in some organizations as business units bypass the IT department to procure technology directly. On the other hand some CIOs are leveraging the increasing importance of technology in business to create a new role for themselves, in which they work across the business to help drive strategy and develop an institutional understanding of the opportunities that technology is affording the business.

I see the new CIO as a key figure in building the extended enterprise in which organizations integrate partners, suppliers, and even customers into the enterprise as they realize creation of value is no longer restricted to the team within the business’s own four walls. Doing this will allow CIOs to create superior value for the business and expand their role.

Full Transcript of Video:
In looking at the future of the CIO, I tried to create a framework which looked at the external drivers, the things that are shaping technology and deciding the business world. How that changes the IT function and, in turn, how that shapes the role of the CIO, in terms of what are the capabilities, what are the enablers of the new role of the CIO, and how CIOs create value.

Some of the key capabilities of CIOs are visionary leadership and that requires being able to create a compelling, achievable, realistic vision of what the IT function of the future looks like.

Most of it requires an entrepreneurial mindset, and I think that more and more we are seeing the rise of entrepreneurship in business and at large, but it indeed this needs to be applied within business and within the IT function. Both in terms of being able to have an opportunistic mentality, to look and to seize opportunities. But also to take guidance from what the whole, what is happening in the world of start-ups today and particularly, being able to build this so called lean start-up To iterate very fast and to building and learning from what you’re doing rather than going through long development cycles.

I think there are also some fundamental capabilities in being able to not just have a strategic perspective, but also engage the board, engage the key executives, and if necessary to educate them on the impact of technology on the business, in order understand why technology is so central to an organization’s future.

CIO’s need to demonstrate that they can create superior value in order both to justify their role and also what should be an expanding role inside the organization. They need to be able to demonstrate that they can facilitate better business decisions being made. They also need to be able to be a facilitator of agility in organizations by being able to build flexible processes that the organization can be agile and respond to a changing business environment. They need to be able to also create a perspective on the organization where strategy is developed, understanding that the whole future landscape for both technology and the business around them. And one of the key ways in which CIOs create value is really being able to build what is being described as the extended enterprise. Where value’s not created just within the organization but beyond it, and the role of CIO is fundamentally to extend the reach of the organization to its customers, to its suppliers, cross its partners, cross the whole ecosystem where value is created.

I think that in many organizations that technology functions as a point of divergence where some, many cases we’ve seen the technology functions start to be marginalized, commoditized, budgets shrunk and just as perception that is creating a basic pipes that make the organization run. So there’s a real danger of the whole technology function being marginalized, endangering the very organization itself.

So this is a responsibility of the CIO to be able to demonstrate the value today and demonstrate the potential for value creation in the future. I think we’re going to see two different types of organization, where the technology function is both creating value, demonstrating that value creation and be able to support the potential of the organization, ones where the technology function becomes marginalized, to the detriment of the organization itself.